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A short chapter, I freaking love this book. If only I could update it like I loved it LMAO

Lily let in a sharp breath as her toes dipped in the hot water, it felt like it was boiling in reality it wasn't. She was just freezing from waiting so long. The basin was nearly filled to the brim once her whole body was in. She could see her skin turning red from the heat, but she's never felt more relaxed. The last few days felt as if she was having a dream, the most bizarre visions that if she spoke about, they would probably throw her to the church to fix her. This was the only time she was actually alone so she could let all the stress of the day go away.

Leaning back, the water was to her chin. She watched the steam rise, building up on the roof and slowly disbursing in the room. Her muscles loosened up as her hands lightly rubbed up and down her arms, continuing to her legs. The ball was so close that it scared her. She remembered when she was younger, she was so excited to be married to a prince. She wanted to be a queen so bad she couldn't even sleep after her lessons. She would stay up all night imaging about her future and now she's dreading it.

 Lily has met so many princes it makes her head spin; they're all the same, so full of themselves and just wants to marry for the power. You can tell by the looks in their eyes that they don't care for you, only the benefit that comes with it. It makes her sick thinking about the harsh reality, was her father like this once too? Did they grow to love each other, or are they just fulfilling their duties and hiding the truth from their kids in hopes they would learn they need to do the same?

Do the commoners do this to, or is this just destined to happen to royalty? Lily took a deep breath, submerging her face under the hot water. she could feel her cheeks going red, her sensitive skin begging for her to resurface but with her mind wandering, the only distraction was this. 

"You don't have to live this way, Princess."  

Lily ignored her thoughts, but the voice spoke again. 

"I can save you from this princess." The words sounded like they were just whispered into her ear. She shot up from the water, looking around to see that she was the only person there. Her heart was racing, her skin felt like it was crawling from being so scared. Lily washed up the best and as fast as she could. At this point she truly thought she was losing her mind. 

Lily dried off and got dressed, her eyes were watching the room, she felt like prey to an unseen predator. Stepping through the double doors, she paused. It was so dark, the only light was from the candles. Taking a deep breath, she felt her anxiety slowly fading away. She felt her body being pulled, not forcefully but as if she was being guided to an unknown location. She felt warm, safe in whatever presence surrounded her. 

"I can give you the life you always wanted. You'll be free from the kingdom, you won't be married off to some horrid prince, make your own decisions. The possibilities are endless, Lily." The man's words were so mesmerizing, she almost didn't recognize where she was. She was in the dungeon, the one place she was forbidden to go. But she didn't care, his words were so enchanting, she felt like she would follow him to the depths of hell. 

She stopped at the door as the end of the hall, it had multiple locks in it, as well as nails that somehow pierced the stone. 

"You just have to help me first, princess." 

"Help you how?" Lily asked, perching herself on her tiptoes, trying to look into the small opening. She only got a quick glance, her heart stopping once her eyes connected with his red ones. 

"Hey! What are you doing down there?!" Lily let out a scream, the guards scared her nearly to death, snapping her out of the trance she was once in. "P-Princess, you shouldn't be down here!" 

Lily could recognize the voice, she could feel herself calm down. "Oh, Kamanari. I.. don't know how I got down here." Lily looked around, confused on how she got down there to begin with. She completely forgot how she got down there. She forgot everything that happened beforehand. She could feel a pressure starting to build in her head, making her cringe in pain. She reached her hand out, holding herself up on the wall but she quickly snatched her hand back. "Ow!" she whined, looking down at her hand to see blood now slowly pouring from her palm, puddling onto the floor. 

"Please help me." she whispered, her knees buckled. Before she could hit the ground, Kamanari caught her, scooping her into his arms. 

"I'm taking you to the doctor Princess, don't worry." he told her, "Kirishima, please lead the way."

"On it." 

The whole room was spinning, she couldn't focus on anything. She tried everything she could to calm herself down, her eyes looking back to the door she was just in front of, her eyes yet again connecting with the glowing red ones. She felt breath catch in her throat, she felt as if her soul was being sucked right from her body.

If only she knew how right she was. 

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