Interlude 1: Memories

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Somewhere in the future

Honestly, it feels like a dream. Why do I only remember specific moments, while others just exist as a blur? Brain is a weird organ. Do I remember because I consciously try to forget ? What a waste of efforts. Getting back into writing didn't help I guess.

Sagar was sitting in the back seat of a comfortable car, as the driver drove him to his signing event. As the car sped by, he noticed a trio of highscool students walking, drinking tea, and goofing around. There was a vibe of happiness that could be felt from them. He thought he had finally stopped thinking abut the past, but that bad habit of his probably will never go away.

Why is it that I can recall every little detail from that spring : the sight and smell of flowers, their faces, and their satisfied expressions, the taste of the spicy imported noodles, how hilariously bad the movie was that the three of us had gone to see on a weekend ? Yet, I can't remember much of that winter. Do I really want to ignore reality that bad? Haha. Is it wrong that I only remember our random happy memories? From what I've heard, people usually only remember their worst memories clearly. Maybe those people were biased. Or maybe considering the stuff that happened later on, these moments are my bad memories. I don't know. Can objectively good memories be considered bad due to your current state? Is it because they are a personal proof of the life you had in the past? that they are  mocking your present life?

Sagar considered his current life to be very satisfying. Writing novels from 10 in the morning to 4 in the evening, going out for walks in the evenings, and watching shows or reading books in the night. It was a comfortable life. Yet it would have been better with them. He could probably be with one of them after fifteen or so years, but the other one, can never come back.

Maybe I am, and always have been a weird case. Thinking about it more will ruin my mood.

Deciding to focus on today's event, he stopped thinking about fond memories, and the memories that he thought he forgot about.

Those memories were just locked away in a prison in his mind. One day, they will burst out, like raging waves. Sagar knew this.

And when that happens, he would try his best to accept them. They were a part of him afterall.

The car continued toward its destination.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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