Chapter 6- The Truth (Whatever that is)

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A cave. A shimmering lake. Golden wings with an eye on each feather. Blood. A flash of green light...

Harry woke with a start to a throbbing pain in his forehead. Something was wrong.

"Ron! Ron!" He whisper- shouted to the bunk underneath his.

Ron mumbled something that sounded like "whasyourpoblem"

"My scar. It's burning." This made Ron wake up

"What? Are you sure you don't just have a headache?" Ron asked, sitting up.

"I don't think so." Harry replied louder than he meant to.

"Tell me you don't usually decide to just wake up at 3 in the morning." Someone muttered from the bunk bed opposite them. It was Percy.

"We don't. We just..." Harry started, he couldn't tell them about his scar, he'd have to tell them about magic if he did.

"Heard a noise?" Thomas who Percy shared a bunk with had joined in, "I did." As if to prove his point, there was a crash of something metal falling over.

"Oh, that noise." Ron said, standing up in his stripy pyjamas. Harry slide down from the bunk, grabbing his wand on the way and joined him. Soon Percy and Thomas were by their side. They headed towards the hall but as they were going through the door Percy stopped.

"Wait a minute." He rushed back to to his bedside table and grabbed a gold pen.

"What do you need that for?" Thomas was as bewildered as the rest of them.

"Er... Lucky pen?" Percy explained but said it more like a question. He started going, cautiously down the hallway and the others followed. It was obvious to Harry that he was hiding something.

Most of the dorm room had woken up after hearing the crash a couple of rooms down the hallway. And if they hadn't, Clary and Izzy had woken them up. Now none of them were asleep.

Clary was pulling on her dressing-gown over the oversized t-shirt she slept in and the slippers she had just put on. No one knew what had made the noise, and after Christina had realised that Tris was missing, there was a lot of panic in the room. Everyone was quickly getting ready to look for her and the cause of the noise.

Clary glanced at Isabelle who was putting a thin dagger- a misericord- down the side of one of her 7 inch high boots that she had on top of her pyjamas. Clary sighed, only Izzy would be able to wear a black vest top and plaid red pyjama bottoms and still look so glamorous. She looked like one of those girls on pictures of sleepovers on tumblr.

"Clary. Clary!" Izzy snapped her out of her daze, "You got a weapon with you? It seems like everyone's got something but I don't get why."

"I've got my stele." she replied and then took a quick look around. Sure enough a lot of the girls were equipped with some kind of weapon. Christina had a throwing knife in her hand and more in her pockets. Katniss's bow was slung across her shoulder and Annabeth was holding a daggar. The only one who didn't have an obvious weapon was Hermione, who had picked up something that looked a bit like a wooden stele but longer and thinner.

Strange, Clary thought.

"Shall we go?" Katniss asked and when everyone agreed they started down the corridor.

It was almost pitch black down the corridor and butterflies tingled in Clary's stomach. The only thing reassuring her was the torch Christina had brought... And the fact that the cause of the noise probably wasn't a demon. But something weird was definitely going on here.

The Academy for the Gifted and Talented (A PJO/HP/ TMI/ DIVERGENT/ THG/ TMR crossover story)Where stories live. Discover now