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Firstly I am sosososososo soooorrrrryyyy I hate these too. I promise this will be quick.

No I am not dead. I realised I haven't updated in literally ages but I have kind of had a break from Wattpad for various reasons that I will explain.

I'm not going to try and come up with excuses but in all honesty some of the stories I've been writing have drifted away from what I originally wanted them to be. Not only did I drift away from going on Wattpad but I've also stopped for a bit just to plan and work out what I'm doing in them.
I've finally worked almost all of it out so I'm going to try to get back to writing them. I just wanted to tell you guys that I'm still alive.

Seriously tho, you guys reading my stories and commenting on them makes me soooo happy especially as I am going through a bit of a challenging time with my options coming up and other problems in my personal life.

As soon as I can I will be updating Author first and then hopefully a few of my shorter stories if I can. You guys deserve it after all and I don't want to turn this into a rant so I'm gonna go now K byeeeee
Happy reading (again)
-J xx

The Academy for the Gifted and Talented (A PJO/HP/ TMI/ DIVERGENT/ THG/ TMR crossover story)Where stories live. Discover now