Chapter 6 (part 2)- The Truth (and where it starts making sense... Kinda)

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It's here and I'm sorry and I hope you haven't all got bored and stopped reading etc (you may have read my little rant)
Also I just noticed the title kind of looks like the name of a Fall Out Boy or Panic! At the Disco song. (it's really long)
Okay I'll get on with it now...

The room burst into shouts of accusation, questions and confusion.

Miss Summers sighed inwardly, if only they had waited until tomorrow, this would've been much easier.

Percy had let his trident go and it had flopped on to the floor like normal water.

She felt sorry for him, he probably thought the whole reveal of the demigod world was on his shoulders. Although, she had to admit it was pretty cool that she had one of the kids of the big three in her form.

And then there was Harry, the chosen one, the 'Boy who lived.' Clary Fray, Valentine's daughter. Katniss Everdeen, the Girl on Fire. Tris, Hermione, Ron, Thomas, Jace, Annabeth, Peeta. This year was a remarkable one for sure and none of them realised exactly how remarkable.

She sighed and raised her voice, "Guys."
No one seemed to notice, no change since when she was at school. "Okay SHUT UP JEEZ!" So much for being a mature adult.

It did work though. They fell silent and all eyes were on her. " Listen," she began, "I know how confused you must be. I remember what it was like discovering there were other worlds I never knew existed. There's a reason this school is for the 'Gifted and Talented.' Each one of you and everyone in this Academy is special in one way or another. Whether they actually have powers or are just unusually talented at something, nobody here is normal."

She paused so they could take it in and watched them. There was an air of realisation hanging over the group as some of them stared solemnly at the floor and some at each other.

She smiled and carried on, "There's no need for you not to trust each other. You may all have a lot more in common than you thought."

A moment later all the kids had settled down, using their dressing gowns as blankets, some leaning against each other for support. Understandably, as Miss Summers had no idea what the time was, but she might have to let them off assembly tomorrow.

She had told them everything, the different types of people in the world, how they had so many applications per year but only a tiny fraction of them were picked, chosen because of their abilities and achievements.

"There is going to be an assembly presentation tomorrow that will tell the rest of the year group. The other years were told to keep quite about it for the first week of school for the new students but they will also be told once the assembly has taken place."

There were slow nods of understanding and then Clary spoke up. "Wait so, if everyone here has powers then does that mean the teachers do as well? Do you have an ability?"

Miss Summers smirked and put her hands on her hips, "You betcha, thing is not all Vampires are the same as your friend Simon, Clary, there are some unnatural evil creatures other than demons that need taking care of."

"But what about Demigods? I'm pretty sure that's part of our job." Percy interrupted.

"No, it's different these creatures spread like a disease and aren't the work of any God or Goddess.
Anyway, every generation, one girl is destined to be a Slayer of these monsters. That was me. My name is Buffy, you may have heard of me."

There was a chorus of muttering and she heard someone say "I swear that was a TV show?"

"Yeah legends spread pretty quickly." She answered and grinned to herself.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2016 ⏰

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The Academy for the Gifted and Talented (A PJO/HP/ TMI/ DIVERGENT/ THG/ TMR crossover story)Where stories live. Discover now