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"Karve! Karve, wake up!"

I covered my eyes. The sun was making everything too bright. "Just five more minutes," I said, "...or hours."

"Do you hear that?" Jackie asked.

"Hear what?"


I listened carefully. There was a distant high-pitched sound. "Sounds like a whistle. Maybe a train?"

"There are no trains here," she said. "And that's not a train whistle. It's a rescue whistle! We're saved!"

"What are you talking about?"

Jackie ran in the direction of the sound.

"Wait! Jackie! It's a trap!" I called after her.

She ignored me and kept running so I ran after her.

"Jackie! Stop!"

"It's Search and Rescue, Karve," she said as she slowed so I could catch up.

"I know. We can't let them find us."

"Why not?"

"Because then we'll be caught, and they'll take us to our parents."

"Yeah. Isn't that what we've been trying to do? It's better than dying of thirst and hunger out here."

I grabbed her paw to stop her. "They made it this far. That means we're close to civilization. We can get back without being caught."

"Karve, I have to go back home. I don't like it, but we can't just live like hobos the rest of our lives."

"We can live with Travis."

"My mom wouldn't go for that."

"You don't have to tell her."

"She'll find out. The cops will find out. It's illegal to live with someone else's family when you already have a legal guardian."

"Is it though?"

"Yes. Unless we have permission, it's illegal. That's why the cops have been looking for you."

"They can't put me in jail for it though."

"It's still illegal, and they'll find out and drag you back to your dad if they have to. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is. I wish it wasn't. Believe me. I do."

"We could run away together. Leave Puppyville-"

"No, Karve. We have to graduate, get jobs, save up money until we can buy our own place. Then we can get away from our parents. That's the way it has to be."


"We're over here!" Jackie shouted. "Help us!"

"But, Jackie-"

"It's gonna be okay, Karve." She hugged me. "We'll still have each other. We can get through this together."

"But we won't be together all the time..."

"I won't be far," she said. "I'm within walking distance, and if you get your phone back, you can always call me, and we'll see each other at school, only two more years until we graduate."

"But what if I don't graduate?"

"You will. You're smart."

"But I-"

"I see them! Over there!" one of the Search & Rescue guys shouted. There were only two of them, but they used a radio to let the others know where we were.

They brought us out of the forest and loaded us into an ambulance.

"My mom is gonna be so mad," Jackie said. "I'm not looking forward to whatever punishment she comes up with."

"Maybe our parents will be so relieved to see us alive, they won't punish us so harshly," I said.

"I don't think so," Jackie said, "But it's a good thought."

We were given fluids and food at the hospital, but were told we were in good shape, just a little dehydrated. We were put in the same room, upon request, so we still had each other's company, but it was soon ruined when our parents entered. To my surprise, Travis and his family also came in to see me.

Jackie's mom went off on her about how expensive a hospital visit was and my dad went off on me about how irresponsible I was for running into the forest, and dragging Jackie with me (as if I had forced her to do it).

When he finished his rant, Travis' family approached.

"We're glad to see you're okay," Serenity told me. "We were all so worried, especially when you didn't return once it got dark."

Dad rolled his eyes. "It was his choice to run away like that. He could've returned at any time." He looked at me. "But you didn't so we had to call Search & Rescue to drag you out." He turned back to Travis' family. "Who knows how long he would've stayed out there, starving his new friend."

"We got lost," I said. "We tried to find our way back."

"Yeah," Jackie said. "We were both very thirsty and hungry and cold and tired. We were both the victim."

Dad laughed. "Victim? Right. You both chose to run away when you saw us. You knew you had messed up. Karve, I told you you had to finish your homework before you went out. And, Jackelyn, your mom told you not to hang around Karve. He's a bad influence. Running away was just a stupid move on both of your parts." He turned to Travis' family. "I'm sorry Karve dragged you into all this. He's very manipulative like that. He was never in any danger. He was just trying to get away with not doing his homework."

"Well, this is all a bit confusing," Travis' dad said. "We're sorry we let him stay with us without your permission. We were just trying to help."

"I understand," Dad said. "He can be very convincing."

"Wait. You don't have brain parasites, do you." Trey finally realized.

Travis shook his head. "I can't believe it took you this long to figure that out."

"We should be going now," Serenity said. "Best of luck with your son, Jack."

"Thanks," Dad said.

"Can I take my daughter home now?" Jackie's mom asked the nurse.

The nurse looked at Jackie's chart. "Yep. She's good to go."

"Good." She grabbed Jackie's wrist and pulled her off the bed.

"I am capable of moving on my own, thanks," Jackie said as she yanked her paw loose.

"Well, now I have to worry about you running away. You are in a lot of trouble, miss." She grabbed her wrist again and pulled her out of the room. Jackie didn't really put up a fight. She was probably still a little weak from our excursion.

Dad opened his mouth to talk to the nurse.

"He is okay to leave too," the nurse told him before he could even ask.

"Finally," I said. I hopped out of bed and immediately pretended to feel woozy and fell to the floor.

"Oh!" the nurse exclaimed. She helped me onto my feet. "Maybe you should sit down for a bit." She sat me down on the bed.

I held my head. "I don't feel too well... I think I'm gonna..." I quickly covered my mouth as if I was about to throw up.

The nurse snatched a paper bag and tossed it onto my lap.

I pretended to puke into the bag, coughing and gagging and retching.

"Maybe he should stay a bit longer," the nurse told my Dad. "He could've picked up some kind of parasite or food poisoning."

Dad sighed. "Alright." He looked at me. "You better not be faking."

"Why would I be faking?" I asked.

"I don't know, but it seems like something you would do." He turned to the nurse. "I'll be in the waiting room. Let me know when you figure out what's wrong with him, if there is something wrong."

"Oh, you mean other than the vomiting?" I asked.

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