Chapter 3

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Mila POV

I tried to put as much as I could against my broken door last night. But I didn't have much. I slept in my bedroom with a chair against my bedroom door just in case. I'm only 5'4 and wimpy. I can barely carry my groceries even though I don't buy much. I make myself a loaf of bread once a week. I only buy myself a jar of peanut butter and once small jar of raspberry jelly. That's all I allow myself to buy in the ways of food for me. Everything else goes towards my bakes. Nothing in this town is cheap even though it's a small town. I think that people raise the food prices so they can afford food themselves. I think it's really sad.

That's what my Aunt always thought. That the prices in this town is too high that's why people can't get anywhere. My grandparent's left this house to her already paid off. If they didn't...well I don't think that I would've grown up here. I can't be sad for myself because other people have it far worse than me. The girls that buy my bakes can barely afford clothing. Every time I see them their cloths are to small and not fitting them.

I still have my cloths from the last 10 years because I stopped growing. I think that's a good thing. I don't have to spend money and cloths which could go towards my bakes. It's 7 am in the morning and it's time to start baking. I start putting wood in the little side compartment to heat up the oven and stove. Think God my grandparent were practical. This way I don't have to pay for a lot of gas or electricity. This little oven is the only source of heating and baking in this house.

While that heats up I start to prepare my ingredients for the day. I have to make 4 dozen chocolate chip cookies, 5 loafs of bread and 3 dozen cup cakes. I start prepping my dough for my bread. That takes the longest. I mix the ingredients and let it rest for 10 minutes. While that's happening I grease and flour 5 large bowls for the bread to rise. I continue to mix in the rest of the bread ingredients for a knead and make it for 30 minutes. I let it rise in the bowl for a hour with a towel over it. I mix the cookie ingredients and roll them out on my cookie pans and place one dozen in the oven. I continue to do this every 15 minutes until all the cookies are done and cooling.

Now it's time to mix the cupcake batters. I make a vanilla one, a chocolate one and a red velvet one. I look on the clock and it's time for my bread. I remove the towel on the bowl. I equally separate it to 5 different sections and place them in the pans with tea towels over them so they can rise for a hour. I move my cupcake batters into their tins and place one in the oven. Knocking from the living room door took me out of my baking trance. I don't know anyone. Who is knocking on my door?

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