Chapter 16 Lust

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Christian Horner pov

I was a bit nervous. I wasn't sure what kind of reactions I was gonna get when I got there. The news about Geri's and my divorce had gone public yesterday and it was a lot about it in the tabloids. There was a lot of talk about it on social media as well, such as Twitter and Instagram. Geri and I had made a joint statement and had decided not to comment it any further. I had gotten a lot of support from the ones who didn't already knew. They had reached out and asked about how I was. It was something I appreciated.

I felt like I was to old for the new years celebration I was about to go to, but I didn't have anything better to do. So why not take a shot and do something out of my comfort zone. I had put on a black suit, one of my favorite one that always made me feel good in. I had also put on a black tie on.

Gaby had texted me a few days ago telling me that she and Emma, the girl I've met at the gym, had a new years party. She knew I didn't have any thing planed and told me to join the party. She has also told me that there were gonna be a lot of red bull colleagues as well as some people from the Mercedes team. I think that was what made me a bit nervous. I felt comfortable with the red bull team but it was the Mercedes team I was nervous about. I didn't know why, I was just nervous.

I've met Emma before and seen her a lot around the paddock. She was definitely hot and good looking. I wouldn't mind taking her home tonight, to make me relax and forget about the media. She seemed like a nice girl but I think I had to work hard to get her. She didn't seem like someone who was just up to having a one night stand. I guess I have to wait and see what's gonna happen.

The car was already outside waiting for me, so I hurried out. The place, called Nancy's, was only about a 15 minutes drive from my house. That was one of the reasons I decided to actually go, it was easy for me to go home if I felt too uncomfortable.

The car pulled up outside the restaurant and I could see that it was already people there. It was 6.15 pm so I wasn't late, but not early either. I gave Gary, my driver, some tip before I stepped out. We had agreed that I was gonna text him when I wanted to be picked up.

As I stepped inside I could smell alcohol, not the junky smell of alcohol, just alcohol. A waitress came up to me and offered a glas of champagne, which I gladly accepted. I looked around and saw some familiar faces and headed down to Thomas and Greg. I could hear them talking about some hot girl from Mercedes they were gonna try to take home. Thomas saw me first and gave me a big smile and opened his arms for a hug.

"Hey man! Long time no see" he said as he brought me in to a man hug. I relaxed, now I knew I had someone to talk to, and wasn't gonna stand alone in a corner looking like a fool. "Hi guys! How are you all doing?" I said, while I embraced Greg. "Doing all good, the question is how you're doing?" Thomas carefully asked.

I knew the question was gonna come up and that I had to adress it to those that I work with. It was better to just rip the bandage off and answer it immediately while I was still sober. When I got drunk later I was probably just gonna say too much or something stupid. "Well, what can I say? It sucks but I just have to deal with it. I think we both saw it coming, so I just need to adjust to being alone" I said, hoping that the answer was gonna satisfy them. It seemed to work as Greg said " Well, lucky you theres ton of sexy girls here tonight. You wont have to be lonely tonight unless you want to" as he gave me a wink.

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