A Phantom in a New World

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- no matter where you go, I'll always be with you. My love, my enenra, my nekoshou, my Cheshire -

Those are the only words that flood my mind as i slowly wake up in what appears to be a hut of some sort. I sat up to take in my current situation. 'Yeah, definitely a hut.... but..... ' I panicked when i noticed my body was injured all over, patting myself down to be sure.

???: "you're whole if that's what you're worrying about, young neko. Though i must say, you've piqued my interest. Especially with that draco-armband."

I looked up to see who was speaking and noticed two people at the doorway. A female with fox ears and tails, and an elderly male with a bo staff. I gave a confused look to the two of them, not knowing what to say

???: "oh, where are my manners. My name is Yasaka. I'm a nine-tailed yokai. To my right is the legendary Buddha sun wukong. If i were a betting woman, judging by those scars and the giant crater, you took a major hit"

I tried to stand up only to be pinned down by the staff.

Wukong: "oh no you don't.... not until you completely heal and answer a few am questions."

"Wh....where....am i?" Was the first question i could gather. I noticed they both gave confusing looks. "Is something the matter?"

Yasaka: "it's just..... how are you a nekoshou and not know the familiar forest."

"N..neko... what?" Now I'm the one who's confused. I was handed a mirror to be shown how i look. "I...huh..." i held the mirror closer for a better look. "Guess it's been a while since the ears and tail were out, I'd forgotten how i looked with them.... wait a second, why do i look like I'm a child? .... how young do you two think i am?"

The two looked at each other, more confused before responding with "No older than 12."

"FFFFFFF......" I took a deep breath before i said anything reckless. I doubt they'll enjoy a 12 year old cussing like a sailor. "When you found me, was i with someone else or alone?"

Wukong: "you were alone, dear boy. " the moment he said that, i realized what those final words meant. And then i remembered something: white armor with blue energy. "Is there something we should know?"

"White armor with blue energy..... it killed my partner..... she used her final breath to save me, shielding me from the void around us. I can still almost feel her.... like she bonded with me. "

Yasaka: "What you described was a technique known as 'soulbind'. I only taught that to one outsider, a young girl. It binds the soul and whatever remaining energy they have to a loved one. She was classified as a stray devil from the Devil King Leviathan's household. She was also the void dragon empress. I never would've guessed she'd use it."

"Wait.... devil king? Are you sure? Because.... nothing about this energy feels.....demonic."

Wukong: "sounds to me she may have been a fallen angel who was adopted into their house. Now boy, you mentioned white armor with blue energy?" I nodded in confirmation, followed by the man sighing. "It seems you were facing the white dragon Albion. Right now, you need rest. Heal your wounds. We'll continue this a later date. "

"Wait...." both people turned around before leaving. "i..... never told you my name and yet.... you're helping me?"

Wukong: "No need. We know of the reincarnated Cheshire. We know it's you. For now, rest. We will begin your training in a few days."

A/N: Hello everyone. Welcome to the end of the first chapter for Twisted Fate: DxD. I hope this will be better than the original as the first version felt rushed. Have a good day.

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