Two Years Later

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It's been a couple of years since I arrived in this world. Apparently, this Familiar Forest is only a separate dimension of the supernatural world. Yasaka and Wukong explained all the different factions, though.... they did a lot more bickering with each other. Almost like they're a toxic married couple. Primary topic being how i am to be trained and by who. Today...was also one of those days

Yasaka: "Cheshire is a Nekoshou, therefore I'm the one who should have the right to train him."

Wukong: "The boy has the spirit of a dragon in him. I should have a say in his training at least."

Yasaka: "oh just because he has HER dragon and because SHE was your student first, you believe you would be better suited to teach him sage arts and magic?

Wukong: "there you go putting words in my mouth...AGAIN!!!"

I poured each of us a cup of tea and sat in a meditative state, continuing to listen. After a while, it got to become annoying to listen. So I interjected: "And here I thought I was the child in the room." This caught their attention. "Please sit, your tea is getting cold."

Yasaka: " much did you...?" I held up my hand to stop her from saying anything else and motioned for her to drink her tea.

Wukong: "You certainly are more mature than you look, young man. I'm sorry you had to witness that again." *takes a sip of his tea* "you've certainly improved your tea making skills"

Yasaka: *sips her tea* "you certainly have. Why is there a fourth cup, albeit empty?"

Wukong: " an interesting query. Why is there a fourth cup?"

I placed the kettle back on the heating rock, and sighed. "It's for whenever the person sneaking about decides to cease and join us." *takes a sip of tea* "and if your friends want to join....i advise you to order them to stay their hand....Chamellia."

Chamellia: "your senses have sharpened in the past two months young neko. I'm impressed." *enters the hut, followed by a female nekoshou and another* "I see you also are still the mature one out of the three of you."

I poured her a cup of tea before responding. "Yes but they are still good parental figures for me. Though you're right, sometimes it feels like I'm the one babysitting them." I passed Chamellia her cup of tea before. "I see you brought Kuroka this time. Your other guest has me....curious. He reminds me of Master Wukong based on presence alone. Is this the one known as Bikou?"

Chamellia: *sips her tea* "right you are, young one...." Before she could continue, my armband started glowing. "That's.... never done that before, has it?"

I took notice of its brightness and coloration. "Once before.... when i had a run in with a dragon king.... well.... queen to be more accurate. Seems like she's here a well. I....." I started to sense a more threatening presence that was accompanied by a ringing sound. "It appears another has graced us with her presence."

Yasaka: "another dragon? But who?"

Wukong: "It seems our young neko has befriended dragons now."

Chamellia: "you didn't tell them about tiamat coming over? Shame on you."

"There was never any time to tell them." I stood up and stepped outside to see two women who seemed to be waiting.

???: "it's rude to keep someone waiting. Even if it is for a second. You even failed to inform your guardians of my arrival? I'm hurt. " She huffed at me with a playful smirk.

"My apologies, Lady Tiamat. I meant no....OW!!!! WHAT THE HELL!?" I got smacked upside the head by an angry dragon lady

Tiamat: "i told you to drop the formalities. We may be of different species but you are still my mate-to-be. Never forget that."

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