Part 1

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It started out a beautiful day. It was a Friday; the sun was shining and there were a few clouds floating lazily across the sky. People were going about their business as usual, cars honking at each other, buses pulling in and out of traffic, people walking up and down the streets. The normal sounds of the morning greeted me as I stepped out of my apartment block, ready to walk to work. I glanced at my watch and saw that I had enough time to stop at my favorite café. There was a fresh breeze blowing along the street, bringing with it the smell of spring flowers. There was also another smell, but it was to faint to recognize properly. I paid it no mind though, just enjoying the new morning. The café was slightly busy, as always on a morning like this, so I had to wait a minute or two in line. When it was my turn to order, I asked for a chai, as well as a fudge slice. I moved off to the side to wait for my order, I took out my phone and began to scroll through my messages. There were several unread messages on the family group chat that I quickly scanned through, then moved on to the unread messages on the work group chat. I heard my order being called out, so I put my phone away to grab my tea and fudge. I ate my fudge slice as I walked out of the café, sipping on my tea, careful not to burn my mouth. I went back to looking at my messages, only to groan in annoyance. Apparently, Tracy was going to be in work today as well as the shop two doors down had been robbed. Again. What is with criminals and tool stores? With my mood slightly soured I entered the shopping mall, heading for work. I entered the toy store and headed for the back, waving at Trent and Daisy, who were at the registers. In the breakroom, I breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that Tracy hadn't arrived yet. Now, mum would probably tell me off, but my behavior was justifiable. Tracy had yet to give a complete compliment to anyone who worked at Hobby, Tech, Toy store. Either it started off as a compliment and ended with an insult, or it was a plain insult. Somehow, she had managed to become store manager, even though I had been working here longer than her. I shook my head. It had long been speculated among us employees that there had been bribes involved somehow. Honestly, I just hoped I could avoid Tracy all day today, but as always, my luck was nowhere in sight. I had just put my bag in my locker when Tracy came into the breakroom.

"Well, well. If it isn't little miss 'my-stomach-hurts'. Decided to grace us with your presence today, have you?" The snark in her tone could not be missed. I just ignored her though, threw out my empty teacup, put on my badge and walked out of the breakroom. I moved to the back room where all the shipments were kept and started to unload several boxes onto one of the nearby trollies. I hummed quietly as I worked, filling up the trolly. I walked back into the main store and began to refill the shelves, helping customers as they shopped. The day pretty much passed like that, with me filling up shelves, helping kids find what they needed, helped at the registers, and doing little odd jobs around the store. My lunch break was filled with tension, as I tried to ignore Tracy's comments. It was an hour or so after my lunch break that things got interesting.

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