Part 3

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Turning a further 180 degrees, I faced the startled men standing by their leader and Nicholas. I raised my fists in a defensive position, getting ready to beat up any of the robbers that tried to get me. I started forwards, on my way to grab Nicholas. I breathed in deeply, trying to remember what my brothers had taught me. I ducked under a fist and sent my right fist into the gut of the closest man. I continued forward, ducking blows and returning them. For some of the blows I didn't duck in time and was hit both in the face and my abdomen. I ignored the pain and moved on, not caring if I got hit, just hitting back harder. I finally managed to get closer to the leader and Nicholas. Since I was closer, I was able to hear the cocking of the gun, and without thinking, I dove towards the boy, making us slide across the ground. The sound of the gun firing left a ringing in my ears. Due to the ringing, I didn't hear the screams of other people, nor the shouts of "Police! Put your weapons down and get on the floor!" 

I shot upwards, and got into a defensive position, blocking the leaders first blow with my forearms. He kept raining blows down on me, so I was not able to get any blows in. He began to tire, though, and I saw an opening. Taking my chance, I swung my leg up in between his legs, hard. As he bent over in pain, I took a step back, regained my breath then sent a roundhouse kick to the temple. This caused him to stumble straight into the arms of a police officer, who was staring in shocked awe. I glanced around confused. When had the police gotten here? 

Slowly my hearing came back to me, and I heard the sirens, as well as the chattering of excited pedestrians. I shook my head, trying to get the ringing away. I knelt on the ground to check on Nicholas, making sure he wasn't hurt. I got up again when I saw an officer approach us, holding a pad of paper in his hand. He asked what had happened, and I gave my version of the robbery, then listened as Nicholas gave his version of events. The officer thanked us, then led the both of us outside to get checked out by the paramedics that had just arrived. The others that had been in the store had already been checked out, as well as any of the injured robbers. 

I motioned for Nicholas to get checked out first, and he did so, answering every question, and even asking some questions. I swayed a little, then shook my head to get rid of my light headedness, which was a bad idea. My hearing had come back fully, and I was able to hear reporters shouting out questions to the police officers. I tried to keep my face away from the cameras, though I didn't know if I was successful. Hearing a call, Nicholas and I both glanced to the left. A man was standing with two police officers, trying to get to us. A few men stood behind him behind the tape, though they were watching the crowd, faces impassive. 

 One of the officers then nodded and lead the man over to us. As they got closer, I noticed the similarities between Nicholas and the older man. When the two had reached us, the man swept the seven-year-old into a hug. He then put the boy on the ground, grabbed a hold of his shoulders and began to scold him. I smiled slightly, before turning to the paramedic, and holding up my hands, palms inwards, to show where I had been hurt when punching the robbers. I heard a cry behind me, and once I turned around, I saw Nicholas staring at me in horror. I tilted my head confused. In response to my confusion, the father turned to the paramedic.

"She has been shot in the back."

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