Chapter 8

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Saturday morning couldn't come quick enough for the dark eyed woman who lurked in the shadows until she saw the very woman she was meeting drop a roughly averaged height dorky looking young boy off outside the tall three story building, either side to the little town house were shops. No chained retail shops like she'd seen in some of the muggle towns, their shops were more like some of the rural areas back home. The 'hometowns' where they kept their own unique stores and refused to succumb to the global and national high street shopping chains. That Bellatrix respected about the otherwise overly crowded with muggles town.

Her eyes fell back onto the woman as she pulled into a little square filled with fellow metal things on wheels and stopped the ugly looking thing beside a row of similar looking ones, collected her bag from it then closed the door. Bellatrix had seen a few of these moving boxes on wheels since appearing here, and often the term car or truck was thrown around when the towns people spoke about their funny looking contraptions. What the difference was she really didn't know, but she certainly knew one thing. That one, that the stylish woman had was one of the ugliest ones she'd seen, And she saw the farmers rust bucket that fell apart when he drove over the curb. Bellatrix pushed that thought out of her mind as she watched the woman walk towards the coffee shop she identified as the weathervane. She wore a two piece light grey suit, with a pencil skirt stopping at her knees, showing off the rest of her long creamy legs.
The outfit hugged her frame to perfection, If Bellatrix had to guess she'd instantly go with tailor made, because she certainly hadn't seen any of those stylish clothes in any of the shops around here, not to mention how they mould to her body with such ease. No Bellatrix came to the conclusion they certainly weren't your average off the hanger clothes.
Bellatrix, having all of her clothes made to measure appreciated that deeply, and hoped the woman would take her there. She could really do with a change of clothes, and her taste certainly wouldn't be found in any store.
The ravenette's eyes fell to the matching grey pumps and small matching in colour shoulder bag, another thing Bellatrix noticed about her outfits. She had yet to see any dark colour, all her clothes so far had been light shades, nothing at all like her own fashion which consisted of black and the odd dark red or emerald green.

Dark eyes watched as the woman entered the coffee shop, she'd stopped and greeted someone Bellatrix couldn't quite make out before taking a seat at one of the booths near the large windows. She noticed the blonde peering out of the window, looking around for her no doubt. With a deep breath the dark woman decided it was time she made an appearance and stepped out of the shadows, sauntering across the road ignoring all looks thrown in her direction. Her raven locks bounced with each step she took, her hips swaying in typical Bellatrix fashion. She pushed the door open, and a little bell above her head rung as she entered. All attention was on her as she stopped in the doorway. Despite watching this place from the distance she had never actually stepped foot inside the place, until now. A few couples were scattered here and there, some were faces of the regulars she'd watch that came every morning without out fail, some were faces she hadn't seen before.
She knew exactly where the blonde was, having watched her for the past five minutes but made no effort to move until the blonde turned in her chair to face the new intruder. As soon as the blonde made eye contact a warm smile graced her lips, and Bellatrix with her signature smirk made her way to the waiting beauty.

"You certainly like making an entrance." The blonde remarked as the ravenette took a seat opposite her.
"Whatever gave you that impression Love?" She quirked her brow, playing off as though she really had no idea what the blonde was talking about. Larissa shook her head before reaching for the menus.
"I haven't ordered yet, I thought I'd wait for you." The blonde changed the subject passing a hesitant Bellatrix the menu.
"It's alright, they don't bite." Larissa smiles, a playful glint in her eye, which instantly put Bellatrix at ease. She might not show it, but Bellatrix was in fact quite nervous about this entire ordeal. Her life had been turned upside down and on top of it she had no idea where she was and had very little contact with any sort of life for Merlín knows how long, and was well aware her social skills were a bit rusty. Not that they were particularly good to begin with.

"Well that's disappointing, you've just ruined all my good hopes for this place." She accepted the menu and opened, she was very aware that her stomach may not tolerate food like it once had, she hadn't eaten in a while. Though a good cup of tea was definitely a must. She hadn't realised how much she'd missed drinking the hot caramel coloured liquid until now. Her hopes however were lowered when she began reading the items listed in the over sized piece of plastic. A stack of maple syrup pancakes at 9 in the morning were certainly not on her list of things to eat for breakfast.
As she continued to look over the menu, finding absolutely nothing on the list that appealed to her, a lanky boy approached the table.

She judged him to be in his mid to late teens. He had light brown hair, green eyes and his light skin was covered in freckles. Bellatrix furrows her brows at the boy as he took her companions order. Her dark eyes drifted to the blonde woman who smiled and greeted the boy, she'd ordered a hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows followed by some cinnamon rolls, pointing at each one on the menu as she did so. Bellatrix smiled faintly at this, she found her little quirk to be quite amusing. She glanced back at her own menu despite knowing damned well she wasn't going to order anything off of this list. She was far to busy questioning this new faint magical energy that suddenly became very prominent. Her eyes peaked over the menu at the boy who scribbled away on his notepad, he was the only one close enough besides Larissa who Bellatrix had already established had magic in her veins some shape or form. Bella's dark eyes soon turn their attention back to the menu as her thoughts began to wonder.

"Bellatrix?" The ravenette snapped back to reality at the voice of the blonde, lowering the menu slightly she made eye contact with the blue forget-me-nots and quirked her brow.
"Is everything okay?"
"Perfectly fine." The ravenette responds, placing the large menu on the table, the boy stood there awkwardly as the dark woman stared at the blonde momentarily before finally addressing the boy. She eyes him over, noticing him squirming beneath her gaze. He mad no effort to meet her eyes, as a matter of fact he did everything to avoid them.
"I'll just have tea and a toasted tea cake." She closed the menu with a swish and pushed it aside. The boy blinked looking slightly confused as he glanced between the pair.
"I don't think a tea cake was on the menu." Larissa smiles, glancing from the confused boy to the woman.
"So? That's what I want." The raven haired woman folds her arms, like a small stubborn child set on getting their own way.
"It's not on the menu." The blonde repeats, though her breath was wasted on the dark eyed ravenette opposite her.
"But that's what I want." She emphasised the t harshly, and the boy continued to fidget.
"Yes but you can't have it, if it's not on the menu." Larissa spoke through gritted teeth, despite her smile still in place.
Bellatrix blinked agitatedly before turning her attention to the teenager who instantly lowered his eyes to the note pad.
"Fine. I'll just have a tea then." He nodded and wrote down her order as quickly as possible, just wanting to leave.
"Please." Larissa adds, smiling politely at the boy who returns her smile before finally leaving. He daren't glance back towards the two in fear the darker haired woman would have his head on a platter. Principal Weems was a regular here, always happy and ready to give a smile to anyone who passed her by, this woman however was clearly a woman of nightmares and what Weems saw in her was questionable.

The blonde turns her attention to the glowering woman opposite her, she was like a pouting child just about ready to throw a tantrum with her dark brows knitted together, and the faintest not normal recognisable wrinkles in her face becoming more prominent. Larissa, despite her previous annoyance with the woman's attitude found this to be quite amusing, and couldn't quite help the genuine little grin that tugged at her lips.
"It's not the end of the world you know."
"Of course you'd say that, you got what you wanted." Bellatrix leans back in her chair.
"Are you always this difficult?" The blonde arched her brow at the woman who glanced out of the window a moment before turning back to the woman in front of her. Bellatrix leans forward in her her chair, locking eyes with the blonde.
"Only when I don't get my own way."
"I can believe that." Larissa responds with a smile.

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