Chapter 10

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For the first time Larissa wasn't entirely sure how to respond to this odd woman, and had never been more thankful for her phone to ping.

Bellatrix winced at the unusual noise, glancing around the now fairly empty cafe, her attention instantly falls back on the blonde when she pulls out a small little rectangular object from her bag. Bellattix furrows her brows as the woman payed attention to the thing, she even began tapping the small foreign object.
"Rowan has just finished, he's on his way over." The blonde announces as she places the object back in her bag.
"How'd you know that, you didn't look across the road once."
"He texted me."
"Texted? What is that? Is that some foreign communication that only new Englanders use?" Larissa frowned at the woman's question, quite confused.
"I'm fairly sure it's a common way of communicating all around the world Bella."
The Raven haired woman arched her brow, not so much at the new found way of communicating the blonde mentioned, but more at the name that rolled effortlessly off her tongue. She'd shortened her name, calling her only what close family members dared call her.

"Bella, is everything okay?" There she goes again. The way she says it so casually, like they've known one another for years. They haven't of course, had Bellatrix known her sooner her entire existence might have been different. There was this unexplainable pull she felt towards the blonde, what or why she didn't know. But something brought her here for a reason, something brought her to this woman for a reason. It's not a coincidence she's just appeared here. And she was fairly certain this magnificent creature had some part in it.
"It's hard not to be okay with your wonderful presence in front of me."
Larissa chuckled and looked away. She has never had so many compliments directed at her within such a short time before, she actually hasn't received many compliments like those before at all.

A smile graced Bella's lips as she watches the woman. The Blonde began fidgeting with her bracelet, she adjusted its placement on her arm a few times before leaving it be. Bellatrix sensed the small battle going on inside her head. She was obviously nervous over something, and tried to hide it. Was it her presence that made the blonde uneasy? Bellatrix would hope not, she's been nothing but courteous this morning.

The jingling sound of the door snapped the blonde out of her thoughts, just in time to see her student approach them.
He was a fairly average sized teenage boy, with brown eyes and dull brown hair. He wore glasses and fidgeted underneath the ravenettes stare.  His aura was different, magical but something wasn't quite right.
"Go order yourself a drink Rowan, and a snack if you'd like." The blonde smiles, the boy nods then made his way over to the counter.
"It looks like our time is up." The minute those words left Larissa's mouth she noticed the sheer panic in the woman's eyes, though she was quick to hide it with that cold glare of hers.
Larissa was a softie at heart, and couldn't bare the thought of leaving Bellatrix alone. Larissa is quite the observant person, she had to be in her job, though quite often her big heart and trusting nature led her into unwanted trouble. She had trusted the wrong people on various occasions, always trying to seek the good in people. Despite trusting the wrong people, that didn't kill her hopeful and kind hearted spirit, instead it made her stronger, and more determined to help people for the better. Which is why, despite knowing this woman for a short period of time she'd decided to help her. Though if she dared harm any of her children their would be consequences. Not that they couldn't take care of themselves.

"I'd like to continue our chat, I don't think we've quite finished yet. How about you come back with us. I'll drop you off wherever you're staying once we've figured out what exactly happened to you."
Bellatrix frowned, was this woman always so friendly and trusting towards people she'd just met?
The boy returned and opted to take the seat beside his headmistress, not entirely feeling at ease with the raven haired woman.
"Rowan this is Bellatrix..." the blonde glanced at her, realising she'd still hadn't given her last name.
"Black, I believe that's what you're looking for love. Bellatrix Black." She smiled before taking a sip of the caramel liquid in her cup.


Getting Bellatrix in the car was another thing entirely, Larissa hadn't realised that this woman was completely new to any form of technology, even a car despite having them in Britain. Though from Bella's short explanation she'd come from a part of the world where they'd shut out the majority if not all of the muggle inventions and relied purely on their own. The blonde couldn't quit believe it, she'd lived amongst Normies all her life, not that she had much choice. Nevermore was the only place where she found her people. No wonder Bellatrix was quite on edge when it came to the Normies, she'd never been around any long enough.

After finally getting the woman in the car, Larissa leant over and strapped her in with the seatbelt, she hadn't realised how closely she'd leaned in until she'd felt the woman's hot breath on her.
"I don't mind you tying me up Larissa, but don't you think it's a bit inappropriate with a child in the back?" Those huskily whispered words made the blondes heart stop, and she could feel her cheeks burning up.
"No that's not- I'm not- it's a safety measurement, we all have to wear one." The woman swallowed until finally she heard the click of the seatbelt.
"Whatever you say Love." Bella smiles as the woman returned to her own seat and started the car. The blonde reversed out of the car space and pulled out onto the road, the first few minutes were very silent, until Bellatrix
found the need to press random buttons on the radio until classical music started playing from the speakers.
"Peculiar little contraption isn't it?" She said earning an amused smirk from the blonde. the ravenette then pulled the mirror down next and winced at her reflection.
"Merlin, I don't look half as bad as I thought I would." The blonde glanced at the dark beauty who was caught up with her own reflection to notice the growing smile on the blondes lips.

The boy kept his attention on the window, watching the scenery as they drove by, not once daring to look at the dark woman.

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