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it has been a week since then. haesoo was also brought to the icu. although being shot in the head, he still managed to survive the ordeal as the bullet did not hit his vital point. and as much as the boys wanted him dead, they needed him alive for the investigation.

jisung on the other hand, although in his own suite, he wasn't recovering all that well either.

"this is not good..." the doctor muttered as he noticed jisung running a temperature. though he only muttered for himself to hear, minho who was within earshot overheard him.

his eyes snapped to dr noh, "what do you mean not good?! it has been a week and he hasn't woken yet! what is happening?!" he yelled, panicked, disregarding how nice dr noh had been for the past week. well, nobody blamed him. he was slowly losing it from the sight of his mate lying unresponsive in the hospital bed. thinner, paler, and more fragile than before.

"sorry minho, i suspect jisung is battling an infection right now... i'll be administering another course of antibiotics to help him fight it." the doctor explained as minho nodded. the alpha knew he was in no position to question. medicine wasn't his domain, and he trusts that dr noh knew what he was doing.

"please ji...keep fighting" his voice cracked as tears flowed down his cheeks. "you're so strong bubs. my baby god...you're my strong strong baby"

chan's and hyunjin's hearts ached as they listened to minho's cries.

"h-hyung please eat..." felix shakingly nudged him with the bowl of kimchi chicken stew that he had made before coming over. he sighed as the dishevelled alpha shook his head and continued staring at his mate.

this went on for the week, occasionally they managed to make him eat two or three spoons of food but felix had enough. he carefully placed the food on the bedside table before taking a deep breath. well, he wanted to slam it down but he couldn't risk breaking the bowl and wasting food.

the omega was beyond frustrated at the unexpectedly weak-minded alpha right now. "I SAID EAT!" he yelled, as he dragged minho by the collar, on the floor, away from the bed. "can't you see that you barely have any energy to fight against me?! an omega?! who's biologically supposed to be ten times weaker than you??" he scolded as minho groaned. not just at how loud felix was, but also at how right he was.

"how are you going to help him if you're this weak huh? when he needs you to help him wash up? use the toilet, get him things? how the fuck can i or anyone trust you to be strong enough to help him if you're this weak?!" the omega basically rapped. hoping to knock some sense into the alpha's head.

"i-i'm sorry!" he cried, as he hugged his knees, turning himself into a ball of shame.

"h-hyung... i know you're worried. i know you're hurting, and scared of what might happen. but jisung is strong, he would not let something so trivial to beat him six feet down. i know my twin. you need to eat hyung..." felix sighed as he rubbed the alpha's back, giving a subtle (bombastic) side eye at the other two alphas that barely helped him.

"y-you're right..." minho took a deep breath, "i-i'll eat" he sheepishly smiled as felix set up a small feast before him. a bowl of warm kimchi chicken soup, rice, radish kimchi, and some seaweed for garnish.

on the other hand, the other two alphas were baffled at the amount of dominance that the omega had. never would they thought they'd see the lee minho being dragged on the floor like a mop by his collar. if this was done in another other situation and by another person, they would never see the light of day anymore.

"damn... a reminder to myself, never mess with my mate." hyunjin whispered to chan, earning a snicker from the older.

\ ( 0 . 0 ) /

true enough, jisung woke up that evening. despite being confused about his whereabouts and the events leading up to his passing out, the first person he hoarsely yelled for was minho. who practically flew to his side, sitting him up, and handing him a small cup of water.

"i-i'll get the doctor!" chan announced as he rushed out of the suite. hyunjin, too, announced that he'll pick up the rest of the members from their house. nodding, minho and felix bid the two goodbyes before turning their attention to the weak omega in bed.

jisung gave a weak smile as he swallowed the sip of water. "s-sungie baby...how are you feeling?" minho asked in a quiet voice as he ran his hand through the younger's hair.

"l-like shit..." he croaked out, his voice not entirely back yet. "you sound like shit." felix joked, earning a chuckle from the other two.


sungie's not going to die!!
and felix is strong as fuck HAHAHAHAHHA

anyways, my apologies for the long updates...
another writer's block just hit me again, but i'll try my best to put
good chapters out for yall ;;

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