Chapter I

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Detective Blake Sullivan sat in his car, staring up at the towering apartment building where the murder had taken place. He couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had settled in his stomach since the moment he received the call about the case. He knew this one was going to be difficult.

As he stepped out of his car and made his way into the building, he was met with the familiar sight of police tape and officers milling about. The victim, a young woman named Emily, had been brutally murdered in her own apartment and there were no signs of forced entry.

Blake's team of detectives worked tirelessly to gather evidence and interview potential witnesses, but they were coming up empty. It seemed as though the killer had left no trace behind. But Blake wouldn't give up, he was determined to find the person responsible for this heinous act.

As the days passed, the investigation seemed to hit a dead end. That is until, a lead came up that pointed towards Emily's ex-boyfriend, Mark. Mark had a history of violence and anger issues, but still Blake couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off.

It was then, when Blake decided to take a closer look at Mark's alibi, that he made a shocking discovery. Mark's alibi checked out, but when Blake delved deeper, he found out that Mark's alibi was none other than his own sister. Blake couldn't believe it, his own sister had committed the murder and had covered it up with an alibi.

Blake was torn between his duty as a detective and his love for his sister. He knew he had to turn her in, but it broke his heart to think of the consequences. In the end, he knew he had to do the right thing, and with a heavy heart, he arrested his own sister for the murder of Emily.

The case may have been solved, but for Blake, the scars of this investigation would stay with him forever. He couldn't shake off the feeling of betrayal and guilt that consumed him. He realized that sometimes, the killer is closer than we think, and it's not always the person we suspect.

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