Chapter II

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It had been a month since Blake's sister had been arrested for the murder of Emily. The trial was coming up and Blake was struggling to come to terms with what had happened. He couldn't believe that his own sister, someone he loved and trusted, could be capable of such a heinous act.

Blake had distanced himself from his family, he didn't know how to face them after what had happened. He knew that his sister had a deep-seated anger issue but he never thought it would escalate to something like this. He couldn't help but feel guilty, he wondered if he had seen the signs, could he have stopped it?

His job as a detective had always been his sanctuary, but now even that was tainted by the events of the past month. He couldn't shake off the feeling that he had failed, not only as a detective but as a brother too.

One day as he was going through the case files, something caught his attention, a small detail that he had overlooked before. It was a note from the coroner indicating that Emily had been pregnant at the time of her death. This revelation sent Blake into a whirlwind of emotions. He couldn't believe that his sister had taken not only one life but two.

He knew that this information would be crucial to the trial, but the thought of having to reveal this to the public, to Emily's family, and to his own family, was unbearable. Blake knew he had to be the one to tell them, it was his duty as a detective and as a human being.

The trial was a difficult one, Emily's family was understandably devastated by the revelation of her pregnancy, and Blake's family was torn apart by the betrayal of one of their own. But in the end, justice was served, and Emily's killer was held accountable for their actions.

The trial may have been over but for Blake, the scars of this investigation would stay with him forever. He couldn't shake off the feeling of betrayal and guilt that consumed him. He realized that sometimes, the killer is closer than we think, and it's not always the person we suspect. He also realized that, no matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't change the past, but he could learn from it and make sure that something like this would never happen

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