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The sound of my footsteps bounced off the walls in the palace of King T'Challa, he had sent one of his workers to find me in Shuri's study, going over that horrific day all over again.  They came to let me know King T'Challa was asking for my company for lunch, which he never did. He knew I would lock myself in here unless it was on a search for Ava.


Just when I had gotten her back, they ripped her right out of my hands. 

I could feel my heart clenching in my chest again as this pain ripped through me again. It was a pain that wouldn't even allow me to breathe it hurt so badly.

You deserve it.

That voice kept coming back.

Remind me of all the shitty things I had done, things that kept me up at night in a cold sweat.

The only person who ever shut that voice up was Ava.

And now she was gone. 

I fixed my wrinkled clothes, and I had to look somewhat presentable before I presented myself to a king. 

Walking down the long, luxurious hallway, I nodded my head at all the Wakandan's as they walked by me. It was honestly the most beautiful place I had ever gotten the chance of knowing, the people, and the culture. 

Finally, I made it to the grand Dining area where I found T'Challa and Bucky talking amongst themselves. When they saw me enter the room, Bucky stood up with a smile on his face. His hair had grown quite long as did his beard, he could have passed off as a reincarnation of Jesus. 


"Bucky," I wrapped my arms around him as I gave him a tight hug, when I released him I saw something flicker across his face. It looked alot like doubt.

"Mr. Roger's, I have something I wanted to speak to you about. "

I could hear the weariness in T'Challa's voice, whatever news he wanted to give me, I knew it wouldn't be anything that I wanted to hear. Walking towards a vacant seat across from him and Bucky, I sat down and crossed my arms across my chest. 

"Mr. Rogers, I know this maybe very difficult to hear. But it has been two years, we have turned up every rock in the ocean but we simply cannot..."

"I am not giving up on finding her," my words sliced through his, coming out a little harsher than I had intended them to. 

"Bucky, Tony has been very generous by giving us time away so we could work on ourselves and find Ava, but..." Bucky licked his lips as he tried to find the correct words to say, but no matter what he said, it would piss me off.

"It's so good to see you're doing better Bucky. Especially after Ava had come all the way here to forgive YOU. Because we came here for you, now she is gone," my lips pressed hard into a tight line as I felt my face set in anger, Bucky's blue eyes snapped up and glared at me.

"So easy to pass the blame to me, like you never did anything wrong, Steve."

"Stop it."

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