When everything turned upside down in my life

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I dragged my feet through the campus of my college; making no effort at all as I lazily went to my first class. The sun shone brightly, blinding me and ruining my mood. I was a complete mess: hair disheveled like a bird's nest, eyes swollen from the waterfall of tears I had last night and the tacky clothes I wore today. My life has been chaotic ever since my mother passed away a few weeks ago. My mother died in a car crash leaving a tear in my heart, permanently. My father has been a drunken mess ever since, who always slurs his anger and hate towards me, even though I wasn't the cause of my mothers death. He'd throw empty beer bottles all around our dismal house; glass shattered everywhere. At first, I was terrified of how my father started to behave and tried to help by preventing him from drinking more and more, but he would become more enraged and I would end up with multiple purple bruises all over my body the next day. I soon realised I'm of no use and I should let my father do as he pleases. Eventually, I escaped the once content house filled with beautiful memories of my mom and went back to live in my dreary college dorm, where I would unfortunately need to attend classes once again.

I laid my head against the desk as I blocked out the professor's dull lecture. Sat in the back, I was at peace as there was no one to bother my lifeless state. Everyone was always busy with their own life to care about others.I detached myself from all my close friends after my mother's death. It was a decision I regretted because I missed them immensely but it was better this way. Rather than getting hurt by your loved ones, distancing yourself from them is easier. The lecture continued and I was lost in thought, gazing out the window to be unaware of someone shifting in the seat next to me. Slightly, I raised my head and stared at the person who disturbed my train of thoughts. He looked similar from somewhere but I couldn't lay my finger on it. His skin was a light tan, while his eyes were dark, shielded by his fragile glasses. His jawline was as sharp as a knife and the end of his nose was decorated by a faded, miniscule mole. He seemed to notice my gaze on him and stared down at me with his doe eyes. Feeling confused as to why he sat next to me since no one has ever bothered to since I began to attend lessons again. I whispered,

''Why did you sit next to me?''

My eyebrows were raised as his answer completely shocked me. His lips slowly twitched into a smirk and replied,

''Because you're broken like me.''

I was kind of describing Taehyung as the random dude sat next to the girl

The "miniscule mole" on his nose

The "miniscule mole" on his nose

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His "fragile glasses"

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His "fragile glasses"

His "fragile glasses"

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His "doe eyes"

His "doe eyes"

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My random story one shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant