Crazy Friends + Unfortunate Teacher

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Giggling uncontrollably, I fell off my chair as tears of joy slipped down my cheeks. Roars of laughter erupted as all my friends continued crying their eyes out of glee. Soon, some of my friends copied my action and met the cold, white floor while hugging each other as their laughter continued. Panting for air, we eventually calmed down - no longer sounding like insane hyenas. We stared at each other while I quietly chuckled, murmuring

''You guys are crazy.''

Earlier in the classroom, all the students were settled down in their seats, waiting for sir to join us. My friends and I were in our usual seats where we thankfully sat together near the back corner. Speaking about random things, our heads snapped up as we heard 'clacking' of heels enter the classroom. Gazing at the stern teacher, she glared at us as she made her way towards the back of the desk. ''Who is she?'' I thought. Her glasses stood on the bridge of her pointy nose, forehead stained with wrinkles while her smile resembled a scowl. ''Great she's going to be annoying and strict'' I mentally sighed as we continued staring at the unfamiliar substitute teacher.

''Hey Brandon, she looks like your grandma.'' Riven stated, chuckling in the process.

''No she doesn't!'' Brandon whisper shouted instantly, making us all giggle.

''Wait, isn't your grandma dead?'' Lily questioned making us all die of laughter while Brandon gasped in shock.

''NO SHE ISN'T!'' Immediately, the new teacher snapped her head towards us as her eyes bored our sockets.

''What is with the racket? What's going on?'' Our giggles quietened down while Brandon shyly looked at the teacher and replied

''Nothing miss.'' My eyes crinkled in joy as I saw Brandon's state of nervousness. A shade of rose crept its way on his cheeks as he slowly lowered himself on his chair - embarrassed.

''Unfortunately, Sir is sick and won't be able to teach you guys. However, lucky for you guys, I will teach you today. My name is...'' My mind drifted off as I admired the view through the window until Miss called my name.

''Young lady!'' I removed my eyes glued on the window to the scowling witch that towered above me as she stood at my desk.

''Did you listen to any word i said?'' Peering at her grey, soulless eyes I replied

''I stopped listening when you said 'My name is...''' Everyone gasped while my friends held back their laughter. Her nose flared up while her mouth fell agape at my response.

''Well young lady, I'm going to write a question on the board and you will be lucky enough to try and answer it for me. Alright?''

''Well it's not really alright since I don't want to answer your math problem but ok.'' Once again, the witch scowled at me as she sauntered away to the board and wrote the problem down. Getting up, I grabbed the white board pen from her thin, wrinkly hands and began solving the question. ''Hah! She really thought I was stupid? Well that's unfortunate for her because I found the solution.'' My thoughts ran through my mind as I stepped away from the board with a victory smile plastered on my face. The teacher's face shone with fury as I strolled past her and sat down. All my friends cheered me quietly.

''Ahem, well let's get the class started.'' Anxiety seemed to consume her since she fidgeted with the white board marker as she made her way to write a few more problems for the whole class to solve.

After around 30 mins, Marcus and Riven began throwing scrunched up paper at Miss's back. Promptly, she turned to face the class - her eyes meeting mine.

''Was it you ?'' My mouth fell wide open as I heard Riven and Marcus snickering.

''ME?! It wasn't me!'' I scoffed as I stared at her lifeless eyes while her scowl stretched out. She turned her back to me and continued writing nonsense on the board. Turning my head towards the two idiot boys, they all erupted in quiet giggles. Soon the others joined their laughter. Rolling my eyes I faced forward, counting the minutes left for the dreadful lesson to end.

There were around 15 mins left and I was soon met with a deep slumber with my ''cozy'' desk - note the sarcasm, until Brandon shook me.


''You don't wanna miss this.'' Brandon stated. Lifting my head off the desk I saw a sparkly, cyan marble laying on the white floor. My eyes widened as I saw Miss slowly step towards the marble. Instantly, the witch slipped on the marble. Her back met the hard floor as her head hit the floor with a loud ''thud''. The class gasped while my eyes widened in shock. I could hear Lily and Sky holding their laughter in. Miss groaned in pain while she muttered

''My back. My back.''

After around 5 mins, the witch was taken to the infirmary by some of the students, while the others left for break - talking about what they witnessed. Once my friends and I were left in the classroom, our laughter immediately exploded like fireworks - no longer hiding our bliss.

''I can't believe you did that, Riven? She could've died.'' I stated.

''Wait, how'd you know it was me? It could've been Lily or Marcus or something.'' Riven replied giggling along with everyone else.

''Do you think they have guts like you to pull something stupid like that?'' I stated amusingly. Riven nodded at my statement while the others continued laughing.

''You guys are crazy.'' I said while we all continued chuckling uncontrollably. 

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