The Old Beggar saved by Hope

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Strolling through the desolate, barren streets, pieces of garbage were scattered all around. As the wind whistled, shredded paper flew in the grey sky - polluting the once majestic town. As I strolled past flickering street lamps, some figures were huddled together near a fire. As my eyes focused on the figures trying to keep warm, I noticed an old man. His eyes resembled the dull, gloomy sky full of dread and misery. Wrinkles were imprinted on his face while his frail fingers shivered due to the immense, bitter weather. He was shrouded in ancient garments that were torn apart; which provided little warmth. Although he was suffering due to the intense, harsh weather, his chin seemed to be kept warm due to his large, white beard that concealed it. His beard made him resemble the most loved man - Father Christmas. If I had some children with me, I’m hundred percent sure they would dash towards him and smother him in hugs and reassure him that they have all been good this year. A small smile crept on my face as I shook off my strange thoughts.

“Maybe I should give him some money” I thought as I was aware that he may have been living on the streets for some time now. He may not have had any proper meals for quite some time which is heartbreaking because I have plenty of food for myself at home which I’m quite sick of. I scoffed, realising how ungrateful I am for the blessed life I have. Making my way towards the huddled men, they all looked up to see me towering over them. Some stepped back while the others paid no attention to me as they continued to place their hands above the kindling fire to keep warm. To my surprise, the old man gazed up at me and smiled. His smile was full of joy and content like a newborn's smile. My heart melted at this gesture. Pulling out a few £20 notes I passed him a few and gave away some to the others. They all thanked me and rushed to the nearest store to buy themselves some food. However, the old man remained shocked as he couldn’t fathom the idea that some young adult had given them money. Normally, people stroll past these homeless “beggars” but lack sympathy and ignore them. The sad reality is no one helps anyone anymore. The old man immediately stood up and tried returning the money back to me. I denied as I told him to keep it, but he was persistent. It seemed that he felt bad for taking money from a young adult - who worked hard to earn it.

“Sir, it’s okay. I don’t need this much money and it seems to me that you need it more than I do. Please take it. I don’t want you to be starving on a cold night.”

“But my child, you worked hard for this money. I don’t deserve to be given this money. I’m a useless old man who lives on the streets.” His words broke my heart. I was aware that those who lived on the street had a difficult time but the thought that he believed he was useless made my heart shatter into a million pieces.

“Sir, you’re not a ‘useless old man’ but a kind, charitable man who is suffering due to society. If anything I should apologise for how society has treated you. You haven’t even been given any aid or help which is horrendous. So please take this money and fil your stomach with a delicious meal. You deserve it.” I saw his dull eyes sparkle with content as small tears slipped down his wrinkly cheek.

“Thank you young lady. I won’t forget this kind gesture.” With that he enveloped me in a warm hug and rushed to the nearest grocery store to buy himself a worthwhile meal.

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