Part 12: Shenanigans

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I woke up to a pair of intensely and illogically purple eyes starring back at me, way too close to my face.

I startled and Jinx broke out into maniac laughter.

"Wakey wakey, sleepy head." She said, full of energy, "breakfast is ready!"

"P- Jinx, leave him alone," Vi cut in as she put on her red jacket, "he'll come down when he's ready."

Jinx pouted for a second before skipping out the door, Jinx followed after her. Aomine and Thoma, it seemed, had already left the room. I wonder why they didn't wake me up sooner. I considered Thoma's words from last night and hoped that he wasn't planning on completing the final trial without me.

I began to change into clothes almost identical to the ones I wore yesterday. The only difference was that I wore a forest green top this time.

As I was slipping my shirt on, I heard the door open.


I turned to find Thoma covering his eyes. I also noticed that he was wearing nothing but a towel.

My face turned red as I starred for way too long and proceeded to cover my eyes as well.

"I am so sorry!" he said frantically, "I thought everyone had gone to breakfast!"

"Nono- I- its ok!" I stammered.

Thoma began to shut the door back as I threw on my shirt.

"Don't worry!" I said, "I was done in here anyway."

"You sure?"


I made my way to the door, focused on keeping my gaze away from his abs. He had uncovered his eyes and was now starring into mine. I could feel my face turn redder than Rudolph's nose.


At breakfast, I sat down and ate my snowman shaped waffles, trying not to think about the encounter I just had. Thoma walked in not long after and took his usual spot next to me. I knew if I'd look at him I'd turn red again, so I tried my best not to do that.

"Geez, you guys hook up or something?" Jinx laughed from across from us.

I choked on the glass of milk I was drinking. Thoma seemed to do the same with his food. I could hear commotion under the table. Jinx responded to it with an "Ow!"

"Um... no." I said, going back to my food.

"Just so you know," Aomine said, "You guys better not screw up this last trial. I want to go home."

"We wont," Thoma said with inspiring confidence. I was happy for the change of subject.

Daddy Claus walked into the room with a woman on his arm. She had very... mature proportions... Silky white hair in a bun and was wearing a red dress with cotton hems.

"Everyone!" DC announced, "This is Mommy Claus!"

We all said our hello's and nice to meet you's.

"Its nice to meet you all." Mommy Claus's voice was husky and ultimately not what I expected at all.

"She's who made your breakfast this morning," DC spoke, "Aint she great?"

We all nodded and thanked her, aside from Aomine who was reserved as per usual.

"I was also supposed to give you your final riddle this morning. This task is a special one so listen closely!" She announced.

I scooted into my seat.

She cleared her throat, "Go to the kitchen~" she smiled.

I watched DC's mouth drop. He immediately whispered something in her ear.

"Oh!" She said, "I'm sorry!"

She cleared her throat again.

"Forget I said that darlings. Mommy was confused... I'll try again.."

"Twas the night before christmas-"

DC interrupted, "No dear... Its this right here."

He pointed to something on a note card.

"ohoho!" MC said, "silly me~"

I looked around the table. Aomine was rolling his eyes, Thoma and Vi had their lips pressed together, and jinx was laughing to herself.

After a few more tries, Mommy Claus finally got the riddle right.

"Santa love his cookies and his milk but for this trial its your labor that will be fine as silk. Your way bake home is surely at Stake.. please remember this when you try to."

Obviously we were supposed to go to the kitchen.

Everyone applauded MC's effort.

After breakfast, we made our way to the kitchen.

Jinx had raced to the door first, holding Vi's hand as she ran. But when they got to the door and touched the knob, something strange happened. The doorknob disappeared and a blue screen popped up in its place. It had Sophia's smiley face on it.

"Hello everyone!" she said, "This trial actually has its own special set of rules." 

Josh's Amazingly Festive Simping Adventure: A Christmas StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora