Take the Plunge

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"Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Test Tube," ventured Cabby. "Would you like to see my secret lab?"

"Secret lab? Golly gee! I have one too!" She stopped, getting too excited. "I mean, uh... that would be cool."

"Maybe you could even be my- hmm, copartner? You have an excellent mind and I'd love to see it out to use in my lab."

Test Tube blushed. "Yeah, I'd love to!"

"Come with me," she giggled.

She walked the Test Tube to the volcano, "Down here," she smiled.

"Wowee! This is incredible!" Test Tube said, stepping down the stairs. "Why'd you decide to build it h- wait, it's because of the geothermal energy you can harvest, right? Clever!"

"You get it, you know, you're the only one on this island really, worth working with, no offense to the rest of course."

'wow' said test tube, and then they kkissed nd thisis a ship fic now

Fan was in the background watching, "But- I'm her boyfriend! She even lets me see her kids sometimes!" Fan started sobbing loudly, throwing himself on the ground in tears.

Test tube said,, "Not anymore." She turned away and held hands with cabby and they walked/rolled away from Fan

"But! I still- love you" Fan cried

"Then golly! You can be part of my experient!" She grabbed his hand and dragged him to Cabby's lab.

"Well first, I need you to... open up....." Cabby said.

"Well, ever since I was eliminated from season II, I've been struggling to-"

"Not like that!" Cabby grabbed both sides of him and ripped him open, a bit too quickly...


"So I did, another thing for the file" she smiled, writing.

Across the island Mephone was frying rice and he got the notification that Fan died "ugh, this isn't supposed to happen here!" He revived him, Fan looked rather traumatized.

"What happened this time?" Mephone groaned.

"Holy fucking shit," said Fan.

"Woah swear words? My shows gonna lose its pg rating!" he groaned.

"Didn't someone die last season? Lots of blood and stuff. I mean, it wasn't rendered in the current version, but I saw the original unedited cut-"

"ANYWAY," interrupted MePhone.

"My girlfriend dumped me and I'm sad now," Fan cried. "Now who do I raise kids with? I feel so empty and sad, and I can't even express it! Last time I opened up! Oh it was awful, the lady ripped me in half!" Fan cried.

"Oh. Ok." MePhone looked at him for about 15 seconds, then returned to his rice.

"But... Cabby is killing us! Who knows who she'll get next! Haven't you read Expeirmenr 21!?" He cried.

"What! No murder on my show! That'll decrease the ratings!!!!!" said MePhone.

Paintbrush heard it in the background and walked over "Hey! Listen to him! You're just a selfish jerk! Since season one all you do is care about your show! Our lives are on the line we're having problems but it's just you and your dumb show! All! The! Time! Fan is my friend and he's having a hard time so fix it!" Paintbrush lifted their fist, ready to break a screen.

"Ah! Okay, okay! I'm sorry! Fan, where is Cabby?"

"In her, secret lab, and while you're over there please tell Testy I wanna see my kids again" Fan looked traumatized, Paintbrush patted him in the back.

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