Chapter 2

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Y/n pov

I'm so dead. My dad found me out I just know it.

Father: Where we're you?

Y/n: I was taking a run around the kingdom.

Father: For 4 hours?

Y/n: Y-yes?

Father: How comes the guards didn't see you?

Y/n: I-I was running quite fast I don't think they would of noticed me maybe they thought it was a strong wind?

Father: Why didn't you tell anyone where you were going?

Y/n: I told the tenrec I call friend I was going for a run but forgot to say where.

Father: Your lucky i'm too tired to beat your sorry excuse for a princess ass. Don't let it happen again or I'll put you in the torture chamber to teach you a lesion.

My dad exits the room and I sigh in relief after I close the door.

Y/n: I thought I was a goner. [ yawns] Guess Its time to turn in. 

Sonic Pov.

I can't believe some one is as fast as me! Or almost If I meet her we have to have a race.

Tails: [walks in] Hey Sonic! 

Sonic: Hey buddy!

Tails: Whats going on? You seem more Happy.

Sonic: I just found out someone is as fast as me.

Tails: Wait what? I thought it was impossible! Who are they? How do you know about them?

Sonic: Amy told me she ran into a girl that nearly ran her over she also said she nearly mistook her for me. She claims she's a princess and A good swordsman.

Tails: Where is she from?

Sonic: Wyvern kingdom. Her name is Y/n. From what Amy told me she had messy h/c hair f/c fur and e/c eyes later she also said she was beautiful.

Tails: Sounds like you two have a crush on her.

Sonic: Shut up.

Tail: I'm not here to talk about your girlfriend.

Sonic: I haven't met her yet and she isn't my girlfriend.

Tails: Sure whatever helps you sleep at night. I have news.

Sonic: What is it?

Tails: ... You're getting married.

Sonic: WHAT?!

Tails: Your at the age and your parents asked me to tell you. They see how lonely you look everyday so they thought a wife would help.

Sonic:[annoyed] Y'know they could have just made all the freedom fighters reunite if I looked "lonely". I'm sure it would have been simpler than bringing thousands of princesses across the entire planet freedom to this castle. 

Tails: They knew you would act like this, that's why they sent me to-

Sonic: No, even if I am old enough they have to know that they can't rule my life like i'm a kid, heck they couldn't stop what I do when I was a teenager! I am an adult now and they need to respect that I don't want to get married, I never had and never will. That's final.

Tails: You would she sally though.

Sonic: Did you forget that I'm still not talking to that selfish bitch? (I don't hate sally I love her but this is for the sake of the story btw this story is when they never got back together.)

Tails: Sonic I know your still mad at her but you can't call her such rude names but that's not the point they already sent out the invitations.

Sonic: Fucking Damnit! 

Tails: The event is in a month you will have time to get to know each and every princess you can choose what they do to find your perfect princess, each month a couple thousand will go home based on there behaviour towards you and everyone else. You will have a year to decide. The ages will be between 18 and 22- wait- actually that leaves only a couple hundred princesses to choose from.

Sonic: My day had to get worse didn't it?

Tails: Sorry but theirs nothing I can do about it.

Sonic: I'll deal with them in the morning right now I'm tired.

Tails: Bye Sonic.

Tails Pov

Burnie: How did he take it?

Tails: Terribly. He said you could of just invited all the past freedom fighters. It would have been simpler.

Jules: Every king needs a queen and the boy is of age.

Tails: But.

The hedgehog family look to tails.

Tails: He did tell me about a girl as fast as him and she's a princess. It almost sounded like he had a crush on her.

Uncle chuck: The boy hasn't met the girl and already falling in love?

Jules:  Guess so.

Call Me Royalty KING Sonic x princess readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz