making his own vows on his wedding

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"The bride is here"––– someone shouted from the crowd

Once the groom heard this  he looked up and got mesmerised how enternal see looks....

He watched her move and adored her, trying to capture this beautiful moment....he sneakily took out his phone and started recording her walk....but to his bad luck, someone noticed him and Shouted—

" LOOK AT THE GROOM RECORDING HIS BRIDE "— Nischay got startled by his sudden yell and quickly hid his phone

When he looks up again after hiding his phone... he saw the bride already looking at him with a beautiful smile....

He smiled at her too and quickly looked away to calm down from sudden eye contact.....

Finally, she reached at the end on the aisle , and he quickly held her hands gently, smiling....

" You look handsome"—she whispered

" You look pretty too"—he whispered too, and they both giggled.


When they both were complimenting each other while whispering.... the priest  arrived and smiled at both of them....

Priest-  Hold eachothers hand, and we will now proceed this wedding - [ nischay interrupted him and said]

Nischay-  Umm, actually, I've prepared my own vows .

Priest- own vows? (He giggled softly and said, "Why not son?"

Nischay- If you want, we can take the original later too, but I want mine to be taken first....

[The crowd giggled at his response and cherred him to proceed.
Slowly nodding at the response.. he took Y/N's hands in his and cleared his throat]

Nischay- I will wash the dirty utensils after coming back from the office, and you will do the morning ones...

[ The crowd giggled, listening to him, and Y/N was smiling and gestured him to continue]

Nischay- in your period months, I'll take care of you along with the household work...

Nischay- you will decide the name of our first child, and I'll decide the name of the second one...

Nischay- I promise that I'll be the best Dad of our kids and a best husband for you....

Nischay- and lastly.....the last slice of the pizza will always be yours.....

Priest giggled, hearing his vows while  Y/N stood there smiling .
She ruffled his hair.

Nischay- from now on, u are stuck with me forever...

Y/N : I'm ready to be stuck with you

(She said smiling, which made Nischay smile)

NISCHAY quickly cupped her cheeks and said...

Nischay- I love you...

Y/N- I love you more...

[Kissing each other the newlywed seized their day]

After the wedding ceremony, they both arrived at their new house
Nischay smiles, watching his wife sitting on the bed. Whereas when he goes close to her....he saw sweat on her forehead and realised what she must be thinking and decided to tease her

Nischay- so? What should we do, honey?
[He said teasingly, and Y/N with her wide eyes faced him]

Y/N- A-aren't  you tired—

Nischay- for you, I'm not tired...

[Y/N quick throws a pillow at him and says]

YN- I'm nervous, it's not that I'm uncomfortable but I- (she got interrupted by his laugh

Nischay- chill, you were looking so I was just teasing you...

[Y/N squinted her eyes and looked at him with wide mouth open]

Y/N-  you-- (not letting her complete her sentence again, he said]

Nischay- let's order pizza, I'm hungry and...

Y/N: and?

Nischay- the last slice of the pizza will be yours

【He said, pecking her lips softly, while ordering】


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