The Bartender

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Alright, so hi. I'm Maxine Mayfield, but everyone calls me Max. Don't even say Maxine, cause if you do, well, I'm known for giving people black eyes. 

Anyways, my friends Dustin, Lucas, Will, and Mike are taking me out to a bar since it's apperently Friday, the day where most people go to the bar. Hearing this idea, I chuckled, because what is there that could be so exciting?

"You'll meet someone new?" said Lucas, with a shrug.

"As if I need someone else in my life." I snapped back. 

Will said nothing. Everyone knows he has a sister, but I never found out who she was. 

The car shierked as it slowed down to a stop.

"Alright, you kids just call me if something goes wrong, got it?" Steve said, his hand running through his hair.

"Yes, yes, now go on your movie date with Robin." I said, teasing him. I knew Robin was lesbain, I just like teasing Steve.

"It's not a date.." I heared Steve say as he drove off.

The boys were laughing their asses off, and they opened the door. I was greeted with bright lights and a horrible drunk smell. It stang my eyes and I took a step back. 

"Hi!" screamed Will, and when I was getting sort of used to the place, I turned to see who Will was talking to. 

She's beautiful, my mind thought. The girl I was looking at had the same brown hair as Will, and her eyes were amazing. They reminded me of doe eyes. Will was chattering to her, and she was there listening, nodding and laughing. She was behind the bar, so she must be the bartender.

Wait, was this Will's sister? If so, maybe I should introduce myself. The rest of the gang had gone off to play DnD with some other group, and now they were yelling and screaming like maniacs. So. Nothing to do. Walking over, I tapped Will's shoulder.

"Soooooo, what do I do??" I asked, stealing a glace at the girl. She was smiling, and she looked back at me. I felt my face burn up.

"Oh. OH! El, I wanted you to meet Max! She's my best friend." said Will, taking a step back so El could she me more cleary. That was true, about Max being Will's best friend.

"I've heard a lot about you!" said El. She had the same energy of Will, only maybe more enthusiastic. 

"Uh, yeah, same," I said, not finding my usaul courage. What is wrong with me? "I mean, we didn't know if Will was making that up abuot having a sister so... yeah."

Will looked offended. "Wha-"

El smiled, and Will took a step back. "You ttwo should know more about each other." he said, giving Max a wink. What in the world?!!

"Sure, you can go play DnD with the others!" El said.

"Ok, thanks, bye!" shouted Will, running over to the others, leaving me with this angel.

"So, what do you do for a living?" El asked, looking at me. God, I can't help but blush.

"Oh, I- Uh, I work at a cafe.. Oh, I go to the college a few minutes away from here." I stuttered out.

"Oh, that's cool! I work here at night, and I'm in a culinary arts college, the one 30 minutes away." El said, smiling as she turned her head to help a group of shady-looking people out.

"Ah, you can cook?" I said. I can't cook. I burned myself once, and I am not doing the same mistake again.

"I can!" El asked, looking pretty happy.

"Cool." I said.

"Wait here," she said. She was going to help out the creepy dudes from before. I can be patient. Suddenly, a fight broke out. I jumped out of my seat and noticed that it was between El and one of the dudes. El then threw her fist right into the man's face. I swore I could hear a craking sound. El then returned back to me, holding her fist, which was red.

"Holy shit, are you ok?" I asked. I couldn't help but sound amused, especially since the man was older then her, and she had managed to knock him out.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Been fighting others pretty much my whole life." she said, going through a door. A few seconds later, she came out with some ice on her fist. A long last, I can stare into her deep, brown eyes...

"Oi. Mate, what time is it?" a gruffy middle-age man asked. He also didn't look very friendly, and he looked as if though he would need to beat someone up in order to smile.

"Oh, it's 11:05." El said. 

"Shit, already??" I exclaimed. I didn't realize we would stay so late. 

"Thanks." snapped the man, leaving.

"Yup, why, do you need to go?" El asked, suddenly looking worried. I wonder why.

"Arghh, yep. I probably won't come back since like, my final exams are coming. So I need to study." I said. I felt horrible. I didn't want to leave, and based on the look on El's face, she didn't want to either.

"O-oh. Well, maybe you can call me," she said, giving me a paper. "And maybe I'll answer."

Oh shit. This was it. I could feel my face burning up. "O-oh, w-w-well, here's mine." I said, writing down my number on a sticky note I had.

"Ok, seems like your friends are waiting for you." she said, pointing at Dustin, who was waving his hands and calling me. Shit Dustin, come on, we're in public. 

"Bye," I said, and suddenly, I couldn't help it. I gave her a kiss in the cheek. 


As I opened the door to leave, I heard her yell out, "Goodbye Max!" and then I heard Dustin.

"Yooo, whatcha doing there with the bartender, Max?" he said, smirking. 

"What'd she do?" Lucas asked, looking interested. I looked back at Dustin. Please don't say anything, please, please please-

"Oh nothing." Dustin said, giving me a wink. I exhaled. I took one glance at the paper with El's number in it. Will smiled at me.

"Like my sister?" he asked, noticing the note I had on my hand.

"Shit, of course I do, Will." I whispered back. He was the only person that knew I was gay. Until now, maybe.

He smiled at me, and Steve's car parked in front of us.

"In the car kiddos, I have to feed you guys and all that." said Steve, brushing his hair with his hand.

"Mama steve." I said, making everyone chuckle. I took one last look at the bar.

Maybe I will have someone else in my life.

Alright, so this idea has been in my head for about 4 months now, and I need to get that out. I originally was going to call this one DRUNK, and it had a different story, but I liked the way I was writing this one, so yay ig? Gimme requests ig lol, even tho I think I have a few in my head already.

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