Panic Attack

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TW ig? idk tbh lol.

El took a deep breath. She always like being outside. She liked feeling the wind blowing through her hair and into her face. She loved the smells of the woods. Nothing man-made out here. Just the woods and her.

"Hello? Day-dreamer, you awake?"

Oh, and Max.

Max. Her Max. The one she'd managed to make friends in the last 3 years and the one she managed to save a year ago by Vecna. Vecna. El shuddered at that name. She remembered that she'd know him and had actually been friends with him. But why? Because she had no friends. Papa kept her away from the other test subjects, and even when he had allowed her to be around them, they bullied her for not being able to talk properly. It wasn't her fault. Nobody had taught her how to talk.

Until 001 came. He had become El's first friend. He was there to call off bullies or to cheer her up. He would help her out and he taught her everything he knew. It was hard for El, but she had soon managed to speak a little bit.

If only El knew that he was using her. The day before he had gone crazy, he had told El that they could escape. That they could be powerful together.

"We'll be unstoppable, 011. Just come with me." he had offered.

"I- ok.." El had said. She was so young there. She should have realized that One was using a different killing technique on the subjects. 

She couldn't help but feeling sick to her stomach as she thought about what happened next. 

She had made the Upside-Down and punished One by sending him there. She should have just killed him. Years later, she regretted that decision. Because that very same One came back and killed 4 people.

Including Max. El didn't know how, but she somehow brought Max back to life.

"Which number are you aiming for?"

No. The memories were returning. He was back.

"Looking for a greater challenge?"

"No, stop.." El whispered. 

"Papa doesn't always tell the truth." She couldn't stop him. Suddenly she was back in the lab. In front of her was 001. Around him were the dead bodies of the former test subjects. 

"Join me." 

"N-no." El stuttered. Fear ran through her skin. She had never felt so cold. 

Max held El while they looked at the sunset. But something was odd. El's mood had changed. Now she looked as if she had zoned out into space.

"You ok?" Max asked, holding her tighter. El didn't respond. That was... concerning. "Hello? Earth to El?" Max said, snapping her fingers together. Nothing. Wait, was she having a panic attack? El had PTSD and would get flashbacks a lot. Shit, then that was bad.

El's vision got dark. Her heart started thumping loudly and faster. She couldn't breath, she felt as if though nobody could help her.

"That's because no one CAN help you." rang Vecna's voice. 

"LIES!" shierked El all off a sudden. Max knew that it was a panic attack now. Max didn't know how to get El out of this, but she had to try. El was sobbing in her arms now. 

El felt as if the world was getting bigger and she was getting smaller. She felt a sharp chest pain, and she didn't even know she was crying. El threw herself into the ground, trying to get out of this nightmare. But she couldn't.

"No one will help you. You are just a monster, and that's everything you'll ever be." "FREAK! Whatcha gonna do, hurt me with your death stare?" "What have you done." "WHAT DID YOU DO??!" Suddenly a hand went up and touched her. Shocked by the sudden feeling, she screamed and got up, starting to run.

"El, wait!" Max cried out. She was running away. El had looked so pale and afraid. She had to go help her. "Wait up!"

El couldn't even run anymore since she had no breath, but she would try anyways. Every random person that came across, her mind changed them into monsters, test subjects, people El had hurt. One of them was even her own mother. El ran harder. Trying to outrun her nightmare. Suddenly, El felt dizzy. She staggered back, groaning. Her head hurt so badly. She felt as if she was falling from the tallest building, and when she fell into the ground, someone was there to catch her. She saw for a moment Max, with her loving eyes and protective vibe.

"M-max. H-help me." El shivered out.

"Take a look around. What do you see? What do you hear?" Max said, hoping this would work.  

"I- I see a tree, grass, and you," El said, her breathing was calming down a bit. "I hear an airplane, me talking, and birds." El sighed, her heart beat slowing down.

"You ok?" Max asked. She was really worried. Maybe it was best if they didn't come out more.

"Y-yes. I saw him again." El said.

"Oh. Well just know you killed him. You're my hero." Max said, a smile forming on her face.

El smiled and hugged her. "Next time, can you do this again?" El asked.

"Of course." 

Ok kind of a short chapter today! I was going to do another oneshot, but then I forgot about it and did this instead! Hope you guys like it! And yes, this is based on how people (including me) feel about panic attacks and if you ever get one, just to the 5,4,3,2,1 technique. It really helps!


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