my beautiful dreamers

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this is it. welcome to the end of dreamer.

No Perspective
2 years later...

Harry and Ila Styles knew they wanted another baby. They weren't quite ready to start trying when they got married two years ago.

That was until Harry and Gracies birthday that is. After they put their little peach down for bedtime after the day of festivities, they sat on the couch with a glass of their favorite wine. A new nightly tradition for the couple that they picked up in Japan for their honeymoon.

They were watching Grey's Anatomy for the 100th time it seems like. Ila looked over at Harry as they cuddled up on the couch. Her mind set on trying for another baby. Gracie had just turned one and her life feels incomplete. "I want another one." Harry looks at her confused, "Ila your glass is still full, but if you want more after that's fine-" Ila cuts him off, "no Harry, I want another baby." Harry looks at her and studies her facial expressions. "Ila are you being serious? You want another baby?" Ila smiles at him and nods, "yeah I want another one." Harry immediately stands up and scoops her up off of the couch. Ila squeals and laughs as Harry carefully runs up the stairs.

That night they started trying and every chance they got they would try. Whether it's Gracies nap time or if Harry stops in at a shoot and they get alone time. They even did it a few times while they were alone in the studio. They never let the fact of having a one year old affect their sex life. They made sure to be able to balance parenting and be there for each other.

By December 2024 after months of trying Ila got a positive pregnancy test. Just in time to surprise Harry for Christmas. Ila made sure to get into her OB to confirm if she is pregnant or not. She was in fact pregnant and her doctor confirmed she was seven weeks pregnant. October 31 2024, Harryween in London. How fitting.

Her mind kept wandering on how to surprise Harry. She wrapped up her pregnancy test along with the first ultrasound pictures. She even got Gracie a shirt saying she's the best big sister. Before they head off to New York for Christmas and new years, she told Gracie. The best that she could to a 22 month old.

The night before they left for New York from London, Ila takes the opportunity while Harry is showering to tell Gracie. "Hey little peach?" Gracie looks at me but continues playing with her toy, "can you keep a secret from daddy? Just for a little bit?" Gracie looks up to her mom, "Yep!" Visibly excited to surprise daddy, "Mommy has a baby in her belly." Ila puts her hand on her stomach and Gracie immediately kisses where her hand is.

Ila immediately believed that it's true what they say about kids. They just know...

Knowing that Gracie won't remember it probably by the time Harry is done. Since she is only two and more interested in toys and the animals than anything. She feels like a weight has been lifted by telling her daughter the secret she's kept for a week.

Christmas day has come. They had all of Gracies Santa presents and their presents shipped to make it there in time for Christmas day. Going to Ila's old apartment that her grandma took over. Her parents actually moved there part time because they found a love for the city. So that is why they decided to do Christmas in New York this time around.

After Gracie opened all of her presents, spoiled as always because Harry has a shopping problem and wants his little peach to have everything. She was tired so they laid her down for a nap. Using that alone time they tangled themselves between the sheets before they exchanged gifts. After they exchanged gifts Ila decided it was time to give him his real present, a baby.

"Hey Harry, I have another gift for you," Ila says as she plops herself back down on the bed with the wrapped gift box. Harry looks at her shocked, "baby you didn't have to do that, one was enough." Ila gives him a stern look, "Harry just open it." Harry sighs and takes the gift from his wife.

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