Volume 2 Chapter 2: Mind Games & Fake Information?

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Previously: Lucy got out of the car slowly and entered the mayor's office with the police captain following her closely. The woman at the desk went to say something but without any hesitation or mercy the heartless man put two silenced bullets into her chest. She saw this but didn't dare to speak. She opened the door and spoke with such warmness. 

As soon as the Mayor turned around and made eye contact with Lucy. She was hit in the back of the head really hard with the back of the gun. Her body hit the ground like a rock but she didn't become unconscious like the killer expected. She was still awake and listening to conversation as it gradually escalated.

Lucy listened as he terrorized the corrupted Mayor. He was losing his mind and then pulled the trigger several times as he laughed maniacally. The killer filled the Mayor with holes and then just as he turned around he saw Lucy grinning widely with a chilling look in her eyes. He went to shoot her but he soon realized that he emptied his remaining bullets into the mayor's now lifeless corpse. "Go ahead and try to arrest me." "Arrest you, huh? I'm sorry to say, well I'm not really sorry. But I had no intention of letting you go or leaving this office alive." "What the hell!? I thought you were an FBI agent, isn't arresting the bad guys your job?" "You killed the mayor and then turned around with a gun in your hand. I just woke up and had no other choice but to defend myself. How was I supposed to know you used all your bullets." He went to say something but she shot him in the shoulder. "Whoops I missed your heart, my bad. My head aches and I'm a bit dizzy. At least that's what I will say to the police when I make my statement. My aim is all over the place, I might just miss your vital place again." He went to speak or take a step forward but he was shot in the arm and chest. He was now bleeding heavily. "Going back to the conversation earlier in the car. I've accepted that I'm no longer the same innocent and naive person as at the beginning of my career. So much happened in one year. I feel like I'm losing my mind but at the same time when I kill others like yourself. I feel like I was born to kill. My heart is calm and my mind is finally silent. The sight of your agony and suffering turns on me. And the sight of your crimson red leaking out of you makes me want to soak my hands in it." "Your messed up, what happened to you to make you fall this far!?" She laughed at his question as she muttered softly just before she pulled the trigger. "My life story has just started, so it's not the time or place to tell it. At least not yet." He was shot up mercilessly. "I appreciate you offering me your full attention. I really needed to get that off my chest." Lucy contacted her team just before she passed out from the head injury she got from the criminal earlier.

When Lucy woke up, her information of what she heard when she was barely conscious on the ground of the office deeply concerned the police officers and the team. The police went to the real Police Captain's house only to see him and his wife's bodies were brutalized and mutilated to the point they were unrecognizable. Lucy was treated as the hero of the day and she was taken care of by her coworkers as if she was the victim of the entire ending of this situation. Her crazy speech that revealed her new and true nature wasn't brought to light. She got away with everything.

Lucy returned to her apartment and then exhaled heavily as she entered her bedroom. She leaned up against the door and said while grinning deviously. "I'm looking forward to learning how to cook from Grant, even though I fully know how to cook for myself. I just said that so I could have the excuse to hang out with him more." Her eyes were filled with greed.

Lucy heard a knock on the door. She invited Grant inside and when she went in for a hug she dropped a high tech bug and listening device into his coat pocket. She smiled happily at him as he did the same. When he looked away she glanced over at him. And the cycle repeated. He taught her how to cook and prepare a simple grilled cheese, egg salad sandwiches, french toast and healthy baked potato fries. She was a natural at cutting the potatoes as if she did it before. Cracking the eggs and soaking the bread in the whisked eggs, she wasn't a beginner in the slightest. Grant soon realized that she was lying about her cooking skills just so she could plant a bug on him. She was very clever but he's no fool. Her mind games won't go over his head.

Grant gets home after spending several hours at Lucy's apartment. He takes out the bug smirking proudly at his biological daughter. He wasn't one to be easily fooled by such beginner sleight of hand. But her first attempt was very good, if he wasn't a veteran killer. Then maybe just maybe he would have been fooled. But still her doing this means that his normal facade or mask was slipping and he wasn't convincing her as much as he was at the beginning. Her self awareness of her dark side is becoming more present the more cases she completes. Which means that he's going to have to escalate his violent actions and speed up the plan in a few months. It's unfortunate but his life is uncertain and always changing. He dropped the bug into a glass of water. He watched it as it sank to the bottom of the clear glass.

Lucy was monitoring the bug as it died. She slammed her hand on the counter,"Damnit! How did he know? Fuck, he is hiding something." She stared at what the location was when the GPS signal died. "At least now I know where his house is located."

On the Saturday of the new year of 2015, Lucy invited Sarah to go have girl Spa day together with her coupon she got from Alex. They both laughed and smiled happily at each other as they walked into the fancy building. "So how is it going with Alexander?" "Good we are going on a date next weekend." "Oooh, way to go." "What about you and Zachary?" "Huh?" "Don't play dumb, he clearly likes you." "He does?" "It seems like you are blind when it comes to relationships." "Yeah, I guess so?" They both laughed and smiled.

Lucy woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing like crazy. It was Sunday and very early in the morning. She groaned annoyed as she got out of bed. "And here I thought I was going to be able to sleep in for once." She was making her breakfast as she inspected the images Sarah sent her for the case. This case isn't normal, just the opposite. People have been showing up in the back alley ways with vampire bites on their bodies. And the blood levels were too low. As if they were drained of most of their blood. It was happening right there on their lovey home of Washington DC. She ate her piece of jelly toast as she scrolled down the file of information. She saw the name of the destination that Adam recommended. Lucy gulped down all of her OJ and then rushed towards the door. She texted the group and then ran down the apartment's flight of stairs. 

Lucy pulled into the parking lot and saw Adam hanging out near the entrance. He waved in her direction wearing gothic clothing and makeup. "Nice, outfit Adam. Do you come here often or something? By the way what is this place?" "At least every state in America as at one main Coven organization that hosts parties for new recruits and curious people about vampires. It's a lifestyle to some and kink to others. I go here on the weekends, rather to gay bars. It's more interesting and fun to meet people here. I'll use my connections to ask around. But first we need to talk with the leader of this coven." "Where's Sarah and Zachary?" "They are asking around where the bodies were discovered to gather more information. As well as questioning the families and those who came across the bodies." Lucy nodded her head and faced the door with a determined shine in her eyes. "Let's see if the one who is causing trouble used to work here or if someone knows something." She grabbed the handle and swung the door open only to see all sorts of characters roaming about. "This is going to be very interesting..."

To be continued...

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