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Part One; Chapter Three

—The Feast

"And you're sure you packed everything? Toothbrush? Extra set of clothes? Sugar quills?" Remus questioned his best friend for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"Yes, mum," Natalie giggled and rolled her eyes, snaking her arms around him.

She was quite reluctant to leave Remus and it appeared Remus was reluctant for her to leave as well considering he had been stalling for the past hour. Each time she would prepare to apparate to Hogsmeade, Remus would just find another excuse to keep Natalie there longer. He had already offered to take Carina to Kings Cross to allow Natalie to get set up at the castle.

"I have to go!" Natalie laughed as he resorted to giving her the puppy eyes. He had quickly found out back in school that those were her weakness. She could feel her legs beginning to buckle and knew that if she didn't put a stop to his antics, he would succeed in keeping her there. "I'm already late as it is."

Remus let out a rather dramatic sigh and crossed his arms. "Fine. But I expect an owl every chance you get, Professor Potter," he said playfully, his lips curving up in a teasing smile at the end.

"Oh, hush, Moony," Natalie managed to get out though she noted her voice was a bit higher than it usually was.

"Luna," Remus huffed. "Just stay a bit longer." He moved to trap her between himself and their door but she easily moved out of his way.

"I can't and you know it," the woman said with an apologetic smile. It had been quite a while since they used their old nicknames from school. "I really have to go now, Remus. Tell Carina I'll see her soon." She gave the werewolf a firm hug and a kiss to the cheek before pulling away and apparating to Hogsmeade.

She truly didn't think she would ever get used to the feeling of apparating. The swirling sensation in her stomach took a moment to go away and even then, she still felt as if the pancakes she had eaten for breakfast would reappear. A hand on her arm steadied her and she looked up to see a giant of a man standing before her.

"Evenin', Natalie," the large man said with a gruff voice while kind beetle-like eyes peered down at her. His voice was tinged with amusement and his eyes twinkled the slightest.

"Good evening, Hagrid," Natalie responded quietly and did her best to wrap her arms around the half-giant. "How have you been?"

"I've been 'bout as well as can be," Hagrid said with a smile. "Quite happy tha' you decided ta accept Professor Dumbledore's offer ta teach."

Natalie laughed and patted his arm before making her way to the man in question. "Me too, Hagrid!" she called behind her. "Me too..."

Yes, she would miss Remus and their small cottage, but Hogwarts was like her second home growing up. The memories she shared with her brother and the other Marauders was something she couldn't wait to revisit. Her steps stopped when she reached Dumbledore and a small smile appeared on her lips.

"Professor," she greeted kindly, her hazel eyes meeting his twinkling blue ones.

"I'm hardly your professor any longer, my dear," Dumbledore chuckled, remembering the similar conversation he had with the woman ten years prior as he clasped his hands together in front of him. "Now, shall we?" He held out his arm to the woman in front of him.

Natalie took it and they were immediately pulled into what felt like a vacuum as they apparated. It seemed as though Dumbledore knew what would happen for he simply conjured a bucket for the woman who quickly emptied her stomach into it, patting her back as she did so.

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