Matthias Turner

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Not being the biggest fan of skirts, I decided to wear trousers with my new sky blue blazer. I didn't mind wearing skirts, but I usually preferred wearing them on formal occassions, rather than for a normal work day. So here I was, dressed, with my hair done up in a low bun, and mascara coating my already dark lashes, waiting for the doorbell to ring. 

I was going to be greeted by one of the head members of the labs, who according to Mum, was supposed to give me a mini debrief of what my job was, and whether I was suited towards it. After that, we'd head off after I said goodbye to Mum.

"Alice, I can't find the biscuits!" Mum yelled from the kitchen, as she rummaged through the cupboards, "There's no snacks to give once they arrive." I walked into the kitchen, "I'm sure it will be fine. I don't think they'll be here for too long, so there's no need to worry about snacks." I tried to calm her. Mum shook her head, "It's basic etiquette to serve guests with a snack. Do me a favour please, just quickly buy some Digestives from the corner shop."

"Seriously? What if they arrive at any moment now?" I exasperated. "That's why I said quickly." She retorted, before giving me a light pat on the head. "Great." I mumbled, and rushed out the front door to purchase the damned biscuits before they arrived. It was a two minute walk, if I speed-walked, which I did; as I bought the Digestives, I opened the packet to take a nibble on one. Call it stress eating, but I was quite nervous about meeting a head member, and eating something sweet was definitely helping.

I placed the packet back in the plastic bag, and scurried of towards the house, and lucky for me, two SUVs were parked right outside, signalling that they had arrived. Two burly men, or should I say bodyguards, stood tall in front of the door, blocking my passage to enter. "Excuse me," I said, but both ignored me as if I was never there, "EXCUSE ME," I half-yelled, purely just to give an annoying ring to their ears, "May I enter my house?" The man on the right looked me up and down, and then proceeded to open the door. "Step on a lego." I muttered as I ambled passed them.

I headed straight for the kitchen, where I found Mum brewing tea, and handed the biscuits to her. She laid them out on a plate, and beckoned me to go to the living room, where I'd meet him. I took a deep breath, before roaming into the room, with whatever confidence I could muster, in order to give a reasonable first impression.

I immediately noticed the narrow of his pale green eyes, which signed he was evaluating me already. A man in his late forties, I presumed as I glanced at him. His peppered hair, was gelled back neatly, without a single strand of place, which accentuated the lack of creases in his perfectly tailored suit. His hardened, blemishless face was void of any emotion, his posture laminated to signal his importance - nothing was out of place. If there was one thing this man did not like, it was a lack of control, I thought as I examined him myself. 

I wasn't sure if that made him even more nerve-wracking than he already was, but I knew one thing, this man was a head member for a reason. His whole demeanor, rippled precision, and I suspected that whatever he wanted, it'd be near impossible not to aquire. Within seconds of simple observation, I had already made up my mind to be cautious aroubd him; a man with an aura like his, held red flags all over, to say 'Do not even think about disobeying me'. It was hard not to say that he wasn't handsome, although I doubt he was a married man.

He stood up, ever so calmly from the sofa, and stuck out a hand, "You must be Alice, pleasure to meet you." The corners of his lips curved as he spoke, his voice deep and clear. I placed a smile on my face to ease the nerves crawling around my back, and to try and ignore the goosebumps that ignited my limbs, as I shook his smooth, but heatless hands, "Pleasure's all mine." I replied with the same clarity, and we both sat down.

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