It's A Deal -45-

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The Mostro Lounge's VIP room was filled with books with a giant vault at the back wall. Purple lights lined the bookshelves while a dark, wooden desk sat in the center with two black couches in front of it. Jack looked around, wide eyed. "What IS this place? Are we really still on school property? Look at that huge vault... It's like some kinda bank." He mumbled.

"All right, that's enough rubbernecking." Azul said as he walked behind desk and sat down, then gesturing towards the couches. "Please, have a seat." You and Jack sat down next to each other. "So, what would you like to discuss with me?" The male asked politely with an already knowing grin planted over his face.

"I'd like you to free the students you've indentured." You said calmly. Azul began to laugh. "Ha ha ha! Goodness me. That's quite the demand to make right out the gate. You would ask me to release all 225 students from their contracts with me?" He questioned with an arched eyebrow.

Jack looked over with wide eyes. "You bamboozled that many people?! That's nuts!" He exclaimed. Azul only shrugged. "Yes, well, Jade and Floyd did a bit of proactive market outreach this year. Thanks to that, I've had no shortage of clients ready to strike up deals with me. Now, Y/N—as for your request to free these students... I am not forcing them to labor under any undue duress." He explained. "They made a contract with me, and they willingly consented to the terms laid out in writing. Contracts are ironclad agreements not subject to intervention from outside parties on any emotional basis. Poor, unfortunate souls they are not. To put it more bluntly: your protestations will avail you nothing, no matter how much you might kick and scream."

You sighed, knowing it would have come to this point no matter what happened. "I wasn't expecting you to just let them go, so... I'm willing to make a deal." Jack whipped around in his seat to face you, features soaked in disbelief and shock. "Wait, what?! Have you lost it?!" He exclaimed.

Azul's eyebrows raised. "Oho. You want to make a deal with me? Now there's an interesting proposal." A voice from behind you began to laugh. "Aha ha! Little Shrimpy's got some guts!" Floyd shouted as he placed a tray of tea down in front of you and Jack before returning to the back of the room to stand in front of the door with Jade like bodyguards. You gulped, sending them a quick smile before grabbing the cup.

A bold, earthy yet sweet taste overtook your tastebuds. Black tea.
Beautifully brewed, too.

Azul nodded. "Hm. Now, while your interest is duly noted... There's a wee bit of a snag. You see, Y/N, my understanding is that you have no innate magical power. You're not gifted with a beautiful voice, nor are you heir to any kingdom. You're an utterly run-of-the-mill human in every possible way."
Geez, at this point, why not just insult your entire existence directly.
"Considering the big ask you're making of me, I would need considerable collateral."

He had something in mind, you knew he did. But what was it?

You raised an eyebrow at him. "Such as?" He smirked, giving you a simple shrug. "Hm, I don't know... Just off the top of my head, how about usage rights for Ramshackle Dorm, which is presently under your supervision?" He replied nonchalantly.

Both you and Jack's eyes widened, mouth becoming agape. Jack growled at him. "Hey! Was that your whole angle from the—" Before he could finish, the door slammed open. "SIGN ME UP FOR THAT!" A familiar voice demanded. You turned, only to be met with a giant bundle of bubbles. Although, you could clearly make out two large, blue eyes.

"Grim, how long have you been there?" You asked in disbelief. The cat ignored you, shaking his head at Azul. "I can't TAKE it anymore! My fur ain't for washin' dishes!" He exclaimed. You turned back to the Octavinelle dorm head, raising an eyebrow in the process. "You had someone with fur all over their body to do the dishes?" You questioned. Azul only coughed into his hand.

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