The Coral Sea -47-

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Warning: Pixar cameo ahead.


"Eep!" The random Octavinelle squealed before running away. Leona let out a huff, rolling his head back into your lap in his previous position. It was lunchtime in NRC, but your Heartslabyul boys were busy with something in their dorm. Apparently the hedgehog pen's door had come loose and Riddle had called in some reinforcements. At least the two freshmen promised to meet you after school at the hall of mirrors in order to get that picture Azul so desperately desired.

Now you were lounging with the Savanaclaw boys on the steps to the courtyard, Leona laying across the stair you were sitting on to rest his head in your lap, one leg crossed over the other. Ruggie was at your side, gleefully chowing down on a sandwich he promptly stole and Jack on your other side, a step down from where you were sitting with Grim sitting on his fluffy, white tail. The wolf wasn't very fond of it, but nevertheless, Grim remained.

Within the several minutes of sitting with them, you quickly found out the advantages as well as the disadvantages of having three, beefy bodyguards.

Advantage; no one messed with you. Even the Savanclaw students were warded off. That lead to the disadvantage. If a boy they had deemed come to close to you and disturbed the peace, Leona was growling, or Jack was glaring (unintentionally probably, he just had that face), or Ruggie was shooing them off, but not before assessing his chances of being able to steal a wallet or two. All three times that had happened, you were quick to grab the back of his coat and pull him back down.

Grim suddenly let out a pleased sigh, patting his tummy with his paws. "Nothing beats a good lunch after workin' up a sweat! Grim craves protein—bring on the MEAT!" He shouted, standing up on Jack's tail. The wolf winced. "Careful!" The male yelled behind his shoulder.

Leona examined his nails... claws? with little interest. "So, like, I'm still wondering what exactly you were thinking, cuttin' a deal with that cephalo-punk? How stupid can you get? Now you're crampin' MY style as a result." The lion declared... as his head was still situated on your lap.

You sighed. "I already told you. I did it to help the guys who were swindled. It wasn't fair to them." You responded. Leona only laughed. "Hah! You made a deal to free all the chumps who contracted with him to get ahead in their finals? BAH HA HA! That's rich. I shudder to imagine being that dumb." He claimed before closing his eyes again.

Ruggie shrugged. "Rumor has it that Azul's study guide is the real deal, though. I kinda get why people would wanna get their hands on that." He commented. Jack looked back, raising an eyebrow at his two upperclassmen. "So you guys steered clear of Azul's scheme, huh? I figured you'd go for the easiest out you could get, Leona... Ah, no offense, of course."

Leona glanced over, raising an eyebrow at Jack. "Are you kidding? Who in their right mind would voluntarily keep making deals with that swindler? I've made a few deals and paid the piper for 'em. There's always a steep catch." Ruggie nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he ain't the kinda guy you wanna turn to at your first resort. He's definitely a capable magician, though. He can grant some real tall orders just like that."

The lion continued. "The guy who wants something outta a deal is always the one at a disadvantage. That's Negotiating 101.
When dimwitted herbivores sign contracts on a whim, they always end up getting suckered somehow." Leona suddenly turned to you. "Y'know what? Let's hear it. What were your terms, exactly?"

You pursed your lips and gulped. Eventually you had explained the conditions to both Ruggie and Leona, both boys slowly nodding along to your words as you fiddled with one of Leona's braids to distract yourself. "Before the sun sets on the third day after signing..." Leona mumbled. Ruggie continued the sentence for him. "You have to sneak into the Atlantica Memorial Museum, steal a photo, and bring it back?" He questioned. You nodded.

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