|+| Rayan's Character Summary |+|

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Alrighty, time to try doing a character summary for Rayan. Oh dear me.

Just an fyi, this is gonna be a little different to character summaries I've seen. Cuz like- y'know what? You'll find out yourself once you start reading the summary. Go on. Read.


Full name: Rayan Cruz Griffiths.

Nickname(s): Ray-Ray, Mr Cruz if you're a fancy fuck.

Age: 25.

Height: About 5'8.

Eye colour: Light grey.

Hair colour / length: Short, dark brown hair.

Gender: Male (transmasculine (only had top surgery))

Sexual orientation: Gay.

Skin type / colour: Pale, scarred, freckled.

Scars: Across his throat (mostly covered up), scars from top surgery, Oliver's (we'll get onto him later) name dug into his thigh, along with many, many other small scars around his body.

Clothing taste: Dark clothing, stuff like hoodies, jumpers, boots, cargo pants, ripped jeans, fingerless gloves etc. He'll also wear some rather dull colours, too.

Music taste: Just rather loud music in general. Artists like Ghost, Rob Zombie, SHE WANTS REVENGE, etc.

Insecurities: Deefffinetly his body, scars, etc.

Good habits: ....uhhh- he's rather good at cooking, if that's a good thing?

Bad habits: Murders / tortures people, literally cannot be trusted what-so-ever, has a habit of killing his friends for some reason (cough August n Maclin n nearly Ezra cough).

Current family situation: Left behind one of his older siblings after killing his first victim, the other sister visits him rarely. Both parents are dead.

Current friendship situation: Good friends with a group of people, though one of his ex-friends are afraid of him after he nearly killed them.

Deepest fear: Death, losing his sister, losing his friends, just losing everything he has.

Worst thing that could happen to him: Getting caught by the police, getting killed by Foster (the man trying to kill him), killing himself.

Favourite thing: Murdering / torturing people.

Favourite person / role model: Madison (his older sister).

What would break them: Seeing his friends / sister dead.

What are they reluctant on telling people: He's a murderer.

Opinion on sex / relationships: Not too keen on them, since one of his partners killed themselves in front of him, and the other sexually harassed him for the entire time they were in a relationship. Isn't looking for a relationship currently.

Major flaws: Can't be trusted, can't trust himself, if you're mean to him then nine times out of ten he will end up killing you, bad a keeping promises ig (has promised about five times he'd stop killing. Is still killing).

How do they feel about themselves: Heavily dislikes himself.


Phew, now that we're done digging into the heartless soul that is Rayan, how about we dig into his lore, hm? These are only some major lore events, I'm not telling you his entire life, we'd be here for a long time.

(also, hehe, tw for suicide, a lot of murder, sexual harassment, sexual assault, etc etc- view with caution!)

==========================During his childhood, he meets August and Maclin. They become friends. Skip many years, to when Rayan was about 17 and during his transitioning process, he meets Sage and gets introduced to Vinyl Wraps Record Store, along with Harris and Iris.A year later, he gets a job at the record store, and months after that gets into a relationship with Sage.About a year into their relationship, so Rayan is now 19, Sage commits suicide practically directly in front of Rayan. Rayan leaves him to rot away in his bedroom.A couple months later, Rayan gets into a relationship with Oliver, and meets his sister, Delia. Oliver ends up "taking advantage" of Rayan multiple times during their relationship. Delia knows about this yet doesn't do anything about it. Rayan also meets Ezra and his older brother, Rome, during this time.After a year of the relationship, so now Rayan is about 20 years old, he kills Oliver and Delia.He loses contact with Harris, Iris and Carrie (who began working alongside Rayan in the record store), and is now on the run from the police.He kills August, and a couple of days later kills Maclin as well.He attempts killing Ezra, but he somehow survives and is now afraid of him. Rayan kills Rome instead. Ah yes, he also tries killing Madir, but that doesn't go too well..He meets Zaden and Clyde, who are in a relationship, and decides to spare them for some reason. He also meets Kade at this time.He reunites with Madison, and finds out she now has a fiance, Vivian.Back to killing. Rayan kills Dorian, an innocent little guy, but also decides to kill Dorian's best friend, Ophelia. However, Ophelia is somehow revived and now is hunting Rayan down. Meanwhile, Dorian is a ghost and is just chilling in Rayan's house.Rayan becomes aware that a handful of people want him dead: the police, the newly revived Ophelia, and a couple of his other victims who made a group specifically for hunting him down. This group consists of Foster, Ezra, Madir and, surprisingly, someone who wasn't one of his victims. Esrana Flynn.After a while, and after his 25th birthday, the stress of having five people hunting you down, having a voice inside your head constantly harass you, having the ghost of one of your previous victims torment you for ages, along with many other things, begins to sink in. He ends up practically leaving Madison behind and willingly isolates himself from mostly everyone in an abandoned building, hoping upon hope that he'll become a better person. His habit of murdering people slows down, and eventually he stops killing entirely. He also begins smoking again. He lets certain people visit him (people such as Zaden, Clyde, Kade etc) every once in a while but, other than that, he's entirely alone.==========================

Aaaannnndd we're done! I've added a few updates, there's also a bit of new lore! I'll update this whenever I think of new lore pieces I guess- hope you enjoyed!

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