|+| Isolation |+|

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Rayan let out a choked sob as his back pressed against the wall, sinking down it onto the floor. He hated feeling like this. He hated being alone.

But he was doing this for his own good, was he not?

"What the fuck do you want from me..?" He whimpered, letting his head tip back, teary eyes staring up at the ceiling above him.

He was fine now, right? He was away from everyone. He was alone, isolated in a crumbling abandoned building hoping upon hope that maybe, just maybe, he'll become a better person. He'll stop being a monster. Sure, the silence was unsettling, but the thought of becoming a better person was strangely appealing to him. Which is how he got himself into this. But he knew for certain that it'd take a lot of isolation for him to stop being a monster.

But he's stopped murdering people. He's certainly getting better now, right?


Maybe just another week of isolation. Yeah. One more week.

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