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Bruno Bernardi"Mr

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Bruno Bernardi
"Mr. Bermardi, do you know this young lady?" Neumann asks me. "No, i do not." I lied, in fact I do know who she is. She's that pretty girl from that cafe I was at. I just can't bring myself
to admit it

"I'm sure she has me confused with someone else." I shrugged it off. I look back at the girl and she looks taken back. I'm not surprised, we both know that I'm lying right now.

My eyes shift back towards the pretty girl. When I saw her in that cafe I never really took notice of her features in detail. But she's stunning, her features look unreal.

She's got the most alluring, siren like blue orbs, plump pink lips, long gorgeous brown hair, and an intoxicating body by the looks of it.

"Nice to meet you miss?" She finishes my sentence, "Ròssi, Bianca Ròssi." She says.

"Well Miss Ròssi, thank you for coming and submitting an application. Neumann here will show you around, show you the schedule, and introduce you to the others." I watch as the gorgeous girl in front of me walks away with Neumann saying a thank you as they walk away.

I sit in the white couch, resting my forehead in my hands. Why the fuck did I do that.

Bianca Ròssi
I know my eyesight isn't flawed, my vision has always been good. Unless it's really not the man from the cafeteria?

"Miss Ròssi? Are you listening? This is all very important information." Neumann says. "I'm so sorry! My mind is ranting about nonsense." I reply, an expression of embarrassment shows all over my face.

She laughed, "that's alright, please do pay attention from now on, I would hate to see you getting fired." She smiles and keeps showing me around. I catch up with her, "please call me Bianca. Miss Ròssi is too formal." I keep walking along the corridor. "Got it." She replied.

"I'll only show you the key places. These are the rooms that are most useful, the rest we don't really go in." Neumann mentions as she opens the first door in the right side of the corridor.


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Jeez. This room is as big as my apartment. The huge windows give you an astonishing view of the city, this house is well hidden, well excluded from the city so this view is surely something to look forward to while being in this bedroom.

"Wow, this room is huge, and the view is beautiful to." I say to Neumann as my eyes scan every detail, every corner of the room. "Yes, truly. This is Mr. Bernardi's room. If you need anything this is one of the places he will be found."

I nod and we walk out the room. in front of that Mr. Bernardi's room is a bright, pink room, with a much smaller bed. I'm guessing this is the little girls room.

"This is Francesca's room, she's the little girl you will be babysitting for

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"This is Francesca's room, she's the little girl you will be babysitting for. Your schedule is basically everyday. From the time you wake her up to the time you put her to bed. Neumann explained. "Francesca needs to be woken up at 8 in the morning and sleeping by 9" she spoke again.

I'm not a morning person at all, no matter how many times I had to wake up early for school. All the times I would have to babysit were at afternoon or the evening. Never this early or that many hours. No wonder such massive pay.

"Got it thank you." I reply. Neumann looked at her clock and let out a sigh. "Shit. Listen Bianca, I didn't realize I was behind schedule. I would love to keep showing you the other important rooms, but unfortunately I have a meeting to attend." She announced, "your room is at the end of this hallway to your left. The very last door." I nod.

"Also, since we are in first name basis you can just call me Raizel." She finished shaking any wrinkles off of her clothes and began walking.

Leaving me alone with barely any directions in this abnormally big house should be a crime. I take one last look at the room and turn off the lights. Making my way to my new room.

I reach the end of the hall and twist the knob on the very last door in the left side.


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"HOLY SHIT." I exclaimed out loud. This is huge, this has to be for more than one person, perhaps I have to share a room with someone. I close the door and make my way to the bed and sit down. "This is nice and comfortable. I can get used to this.

I hear 4 knocks, "Miss Ròssi?" The voice of a familiar man can be heard. "Come in." The knob twists and I see him, the same older and handsome man I met in the cafe.

"Hi." I cross my arms and give him a smile. "Hey." He responds, "Listen, I know our first encounter was not the most pleasant one and I would hate for us to be awkward around each other. I would like to restart if you give me the possibility." He looks at me in the eyes. I scan his face, taking every detail in.

The shade of brown his eyes are, the wave patterns of his hair, his shaped beard, the way hit shirt hugs his muscles, the tattoos that are visible. God took his time with this one.

"I would love that, also I know your schedule is tight but do you mind showing me around the rest of the house? Miss Neumann was running behind some sort of schedule and didn't get the chance to finish." I get up.

"I'd love to. Come on Miss Ròssi." He gets up and starts heading out the door, "Bianca." I rolled my eyes. Why is everyone in this house so formal. It's annoying. He pauses.

"Okay then Miss Bianca, let's go." I can see a stupid smile form from his lips.

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