Parents day part four!

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(So it's been a while how are you guys I'm pretty good a lot has happened for me at least anyways this is number four of parents day I hope you guys like it and enjoy the book)

Once that whole therapy session was over I walked over back to my dad we were still standing still until we heard Mr. Campbell shouting for all of us to go outside
Finally I was tired of being in there as we walked out I showed dad to my stand showing him all the things that I've made over the two months I've been here because if I didn't show any progress she would send me back home and it rather be here...

" not bad but in the next other two months that you're here I expect that it looks more better and you have more to show" he looked me dead in the eyes " yes father"
Campbell kind of Saw what was going on and he just decided to back away already knowing what reputation my dad has so he just decided to walk away I continue talking with my dad with all the other projects and ideas that I was hoping to do

Max's point of view

After David got punched by space kids dad I noticed in the corner of my eye seeing y/n and his dad it looks like he had his head down while his dad was talking to him but I mean what was I kind of expecting because it makes sense why they were running around making sure everything was perfect,they basically knew the fundamentals of engineering and that they didn't really need to go to this camp

I think in reality they were just trying to escape or maybe I could be wrong who knows they're not really that important to me... right? I look back to see y/n actually glaring at there father when they weren't looking after they were done talking he talked him on the head and he walks back as Campbell tries to stop him saying that it's not time for the parents to go yet

He looked at him dead in the eye and said " Campbell do you have five seconds to get your hand away from me and let me go to my car I am done" he slap the hand away as he walked over to his car and everybody was looking at this point I look back at y/n As they put all their stuff away

You know yeah actually pretty hot on the glaring... I shake my head back-and-forth
Why the hell would I even f***ing think that! I walked off as David and Gwen try to find me

Time skip! Y/n POV

My dad already left so there's no point of me going on but Campbell still insisted that I go on stage because in his word everything has to be perfect so he doesn't get sent to super Guantánamo so when I got on I just showed them the model rocket and blasted it into space a.k.a. 20 ft off the ground which I was expecting it to go lower I guess it was OK

And space kids loved it as a walk down it was time for Prestons Play and I heard a noise and I reached out my hand to Neil and said " five bucks Pay up" he looked at me " what do you-" and right after that the house felt showing both of his parents luckily there was a tree in between I died laughing as a Neil stormed off

I decided to go back on stage walk to the back stage and see the commotion that was going on in between Max and David I threw a flyer at the bottom of David's feet as he looked over to where I was and I gave him a thumbs up it was a flyer for the pizza place downtown and I had a coupon for one large pizza,the car drive the way and

The current fell with nobody there and then apparently Mr. Campbell emitted to accidentally saying he lost a kid again...

  Sometimes I wonder why did I want to go here again?

(I hope you guys like that chapter there are probably some mistakes in there if they will try your best to decode them as I read this over again anyways and that's the end of parents day and I hope you guys really like this so have a good day night noon devils hour anyways good night b****** and bro's nonbinary hoes! Peace out!)

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