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First day of the school year, always sucks. I'm in secondary name is Niall Horan and I'm 18. I also like to paint my nails, typically pink.
I'm not a cross dresser or anything, I'm a guy. I just like feeling pretty sometimes. And whether that is painting my nails, putting on lipstick, or even dyeing my hair, I still identify as a dude. My mum has always been a loving and accepting women, so when I came out as gay as began to act in a more flamboyant way, she was totally cool. She even bought me nail polish, it was a hot pink color from a child's manicure set. But still, I love it. Mostly just because my mum bought it for me to show me how accepting she was. The only reason why I get so sentimental with the feminine things my mom buys me is because my dad was not accepting, at all. Once I came out, my dad filed a divorce with my mum and said he never wanted to see me again. Ever. I felt so bad for ruining my parents relationship, but mum always says that me and my siblings are so much more important that her love life. But I know it hurts her.
Speaking of siblings...I have one brother, Greg. He's already graduated secondary school, and he hasn't applied for uni yet. I don't think he's interested in a higher education. He just wants to live here with me and our mum, since he doesn't expect our mother to do everything by herself.
Greg is pretty accepting to the whole situation. He's known about me being gay ever since I was eleven, though. He accidentally walked in on me and my best friend making out. Or should I say..ex bestfriend. His name is Liam, aka fucking prick.
Now I must go into the explanation of me and Liam. Me and Liam where best friends since birth, basically, we may have emailed in the womb. Our mothers are still best friends so sometimes I have to deal with him, or if I run into him in the halls at school. He's the jock of the school. Mr.popular, womenanizor, manwhore, asshole, and prick are the words I love to describe him as. My pal Louis has had a crush on him from the start, so when I made out with him things didn't go so well. But after Liam outed me to the whole school because I wouldn't suck his dick, things with me and Louis were cool again. But Louis still wants to fuck his brains out.
Liam really only has one friend, Harry Styles. I've never talked to the lad but my assumption is that he's just as stuck up and manwhore-ish. The only conversation me and him have ever had was when we where partners for a history project and I started to braid his hair..ever since he's thought I was creepy. " gay boy has a crush on jock ". That rumor still goes around. It fucking sucks that I can't get away from all these ignorant assholes.
I almost forgot..Louis Tomlinson. He's too gay to function. He can recite every lyric from a Beyonce song, identify Nick Jonas's ass from a mile away, and is a master at clearing web search history. He's in the closet, but everybody knows. Except his parents..let me just say that they're strict. They're very homophobic too, so we had to keep the news about me loving dick away from the Tomlinson family.
So yeah, my life is pretty bland. But..this year has to be different. I know it will be. After this year, I'll be a free man. On my own. I'll be able to leave my mum, even though I love her so much, and party hard with Louis until I get alcohol poisoning and die. But, until then, I'll work on getting good grades and some decent nail polish. Hot pink is running low.

--- so, this is the first story I have ever written. My friend, primadonnastoran , gave me the idea for this story, so I thought I would try it out. This is just a short first chapter to give a feel of what its going to be about, and give some insight of the back story and characters. But I guess, enjoy!

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