trying to listen and cheer up

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as i was walking towards home i couldn't help but cry because why would anyone bully me?

Why me from all the people in the world why me?Is it because i am ugly?Was it because i am little? I just don't know.But after a couple of minutes i felt a hand on my shoulder but i didn't look up because i thought it was Superman or Batman so i just waited for the pain to kick in.But the pain never came so i looked up and saw Gene Simmons of KISS.¨Hello sweetheart why are you crying? I don't wanna see beautiful girls cry.¨¨Because i am getting bullied, and hurt, sometimes, Mr.Simmons, i wish i could kill myself.¨¨Wait you know me?¨¨Yeah from KISS my favorite band, the best band.¨

                         Time Skip to home

¨So you want to come in?¨¨Yeah sure¨ after we both sett down on my bed we started to talk.

¨So i first went to school and everyone looked at me like that i was an alien.And i knew that there was something wrong so i just walked thru the day and never minded it.But the next day when i went to school i felt someone kicking me from the back and it was Superman. and a couple days ago my family had died and they were bullying me with that.So i don't know sometimes i wish i could bring a knife with me and kill myself.¨ After i finished i let the tears fall down again and a felt a hand who brushed the tears away.It was Gene.¨Hey i don't want you to kill yourself and i think it's best to get you out of school and that you are save with me and the guys.Only if you are okay with staying with us?¨¨Yeah i am.¨

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