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Zach walks by whistling

Holly: Way hey hey. wait a minute. Excuse me. Sir.

Zach: This "sir" has name.

Holly: Noooo really. I'm not dumb.

Zach: I thought you were going to your boyfriend's apartment

Holly: Oh that guy he's nothing but a cheater.

Zach: Oh so you found out already.

Holly: Wait what?

Zach: Oh uh never mind.

Zach starts to walk away

Holly: Way wait a minute. 

Zach comes back

Holly: You knew didn't you? Y-you knew that my boyfriend was cheating on me. How did you know? How do you know him?

Zach: I thought you weren't interested.

Holly: Ugh. It's whatever. Me and him are over anyway.

Zach: Suuure.

Zach walks away.

Ashley: Wait were you talking to Zach ?

Holly: Oh uh yeah.

Ashley: He never talks to anyone

Holly: Oh really?

Ashley: He's always breaking hearts left and right

Holly: Oh.

Ashley: And he's on top of every class but he's way too popular now. So he doesn't care about girls.

Holly: Right. So I have some really bad news. 

Ashley: Oh no what happened?

Holly: I found out my boyfriend is cheating on me I walked into his apartment and he was with another girl.

Ashley: What? That's terrible.Why would he do that?

Holly: I don't know but we're over now and I- I don't know what to do now. Jax was the main reason why I even came to this school. I can't even afford to live here if I'm being honest. I need to start paying rent next week and I don't even have a job

Ashley: hmm. Well I do know a place that's hiring. Are you up for anything?

Holly: Yes, I really need I job I'll do anything

Ashley: Anything?

Holly: Anything!

Ashley doesn't say a word and brings her somewhere. Holly realizes this was a maid job

Holly: Except for this.

Ashley: Wha what you mean what's wrong with this job.

Holly: Uh room service. So what does this mean I have to clean everyones apartments like a maid.

Ashley: It's the only job available.

Holly: But I just,

Ashley: What? Is there something wrong with being a maid

Holly: I uh

Ashley: My mom worked as a maid here. Are you saying there's something wrong with that?

Holly: No no no I'm not saying that. It's just I just moved here I'm the new student if anyone finds out that I'm working they're gonna laugh at me.

Ashley: Uh Holly it's not that serious. No one really stays in there apartments. I mean I've never seen the maid that cleans my room.

Holly: Yeah but what if someone finds out and tells everyone. I just moved here and I wanna have a good reputation 

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