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Holly: What? We just got kidnapped and the first thing you think of is asking me out!

Zach: Is that a yes?

Holly: NO!

Holly goes and sits in a corner silent for a few minutes

Zach: Are you gonna sit there and be mad at me princess?

Holly: hhm.

Zach goes next to Holly.

Zach: I see. You still think I'm trying to play with your feelings.

Holly: Of course you are. Every girl in school is after you. You have plenty of girls to pick from. Why don't you just leave me alone. 

Zach: Sure there might be lots of girls interested but there's only one girl I'm interested in.

Holly starts blushing.

Zach: You're blushing.

Holly: I-

Holly goes to sit on the other side of the room.

Holly: Stop looking at my face!

Zach: *sigh* Why are you holding back?

Holly: I- I- I asked you before how you feel and you haven't given me an answer yet. My ex boyfriend says he loves me and-

Zach: You really aren't planning on getting back together with your ex are you? He's nothing but a heart breaker.

Holly: Stop. I don't want to hear about that.

Holly slides down on the ground and starts to cry a bit.

Zach's thoughts: Look at you Zach. Look at what you did.

Zach: I'm sorry. I don't mean to intervene. Come to my New Years Party. You wanna know how I really feel about you. I'm not the best with words sometimes. How about I show you?

Zach slides down on the ground next to Holly with a pouty face. Holly laughs.

Holly: Fine. I'll go to your party. But not as your date. I'm only going because my friends and brother are going so don't go getting the wrong idea. 

Zach: Whatever you say princess. So then let me try getting out of here.

Holly: No let me try I have an idea.

Zach backs up next to her and Holly reaches her hand out towards the cell door. She focuses after a few seconds she nods her head up and it opens.

Holly: It worked!

Zach: Come on we're running late.

Holly: Do I have to?

Zach: Yes.

Zach and Holly walk and talk all the way to Zach's apartment.

Zach: We're here.

Light: Zach! Holly! Where in the hell have you guys been? What happened?

Zach: We'll tell you later.

Light: Zach go get changed the ladies are waiting for you.

Ashley runs up to Light and Holly.

Light: Hey Ashley.

Ashley: Hey Light- Holly! I didn't know you were coming.

Holly: Since when do you guys talk.

Light: Calm down I'm not playing with her feelings.

Ashley: But Holly why did you come with Zach? 

Holly: Um. Uh. Well I.

Holly couldn't come up with anything and didn't want to tell them the truth.

Light: I sent them to go pick me up a couple things which I'm guessing they didn't find.

Holly: Yeah.

Ashley: Ugh why can't you just admit you guys are dating?!


Zach comes out and Holly starts to blush a tiny bit. 

Light: Woah dude nice outfit.

Holly & Zach: Oh do you guys hear the fireworks?

Ashley: If that doesn't show true love. I don't know what does.

Light: Hey! Zach the ladies are waiting for you in the kitchen.

Zach: Yeah yeah. Holly come with me for a minute.

Holly: O-okay. 

Zach brings Holly outside far from his apartment.

Holly: What are we doing out here?

Zach doesn't know what to say.

Zach: It was loud in there.

Holly: What's the real reason?

Zach thoughts: Just lie to her again. She'll realize soon anyway.

Zach: I thought we should see the fireworks with no interruptions.

Holly: We should go back in.

Zach: Nah. I like it out here. Come on sit with me.

Zach and Holly sit down.

Holly: I-

Zach: What's wrong?

Holly's thoughts: You can't tell him. If you tell him that someone is watching you guys he'll freak out.

Holly: What's wrong with you?! There's nothing wrong!

Zach: Are you sure? You can go back inside if you want.

Holly: No. I can't deal with Ashley and Light right now.

Zach: Right.

Holly: It's almost New Years. Why uh- why do you want to watch the fireworks with me? It's important to spend time with friends.

Zach: You're still more important to me.

Holly: Wha-

Zach: You still don't get it. 

Holly: You're always fooling around so-

Zach: Take a good look then. Does it look like I'm joking?

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