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Holly is right about to go to class the someone stops her

Zach: Oh hey!

Holly: Why do you keep on appearing everywhere?

Zach: I don't know maybe you're following me stalker.

Holly: I was not following you.

Zach corners Holly

Zach: Hey does everyone know that you're the new maid yet?

Holly: N-n-no!

Zach: Well I can keep your secret. If you give me a kiss!

Holly: Is this gonna be the hard way or the easy way? Your choice.

Zach: The way that I get my kiss.

Holly: You asked for it. LIGHT HELP!

Light comes running and pushes Zach away

Holly: Like I said you asked for it.

Light: Bro I just might kill you soon.

Zach: Well guess what I have more power.

Holly grabs both Zach and Light by their callers. Then looks at them in the eyes

Holly: You will stop arguing.

Zach and Light immediately stop and go. Holly goes to class and about her day until she goes about her day until later that night. She hears a whistle and found a note.

Holly: "Dear Holly, I know your biggest secret. I know that you are the new maid and I'm gonna tell everyone your secret haha signed F." I need to figure out a way to do this.

Holly returns to her apartment and goes to sleep

December 21

Holly goes about her day until that night when she gets another note

"Dear Holly, I know you and your friends secrets and I'm going to tell everyone very soon. Signed F."

I'm going to go and find out who this F person is!

Angelica: Holly where are you going?"

Holly: Don't worry I'll be back before 10:00pm tonight.

Angelica: So you're going to be out for 3 hours.

Holly leaves and she hears a bunch of whistles till she finds 2 guys hanging out 

Holly: Hello have you seen anyone come by here by a chance?

Dud: Well well what's a sweet girl like you doing out here at night.

Dude : Did anyone ever tell you not to go out at night ALONE.

Holly: Uh...

Dud: Hey you're that new girl 

Dude: Yeah she is and she's awfully cute.

Dud: So what should we do with her?

Holly starts shaking

Holly: Please don't get close.

Dude: Hey don't be scared we just want you to hang out with us. You're like so cute.

Zach: That doesn't mean you have permission to touch her though.

Holly: Zach?

Dude: Huh what are you doing here?

Zach notices that Holly is shaking 

Zach: Get away from her

Dude: We're like so sorry.

Dude runs

Dud: Please don't hurt me

Dud runs

Zach: Whatever you say. 

Holly: *shaky voice* Zach I don't know what I would have done thank you.

Zach: Don't worry they won't be bothering you anymore. Are you okay?

Holly: Yeah why?

Zach: You're shaking.

Holly: Yeah I was really scared now I'm just really cold.  I have to go back to my apartment now. Thank you.

Zach whistles

Zach: Wait!

Holly: What? Did you just whistle?

Zach: Yeah

Holly: Do that again.

Zach whistles again

Zach: What?

Holly's thought: I never thought it would be him but I found F.

Holly: Y-y-you're F

Zach: What?

Holly: You left that note. You are the Stalker F. You know everyones secrets don't you?

Zach: Uh what? What are you talking about?

 Holly: Don't act dumb! You know exactly what I'm talking about

Zach Thoughts: Why do I care about her?


Light: What's going on with you and Holly?

Zach: She's the only girl in this school who isn't in love with me. It's so frustrating

Light: I guess you can't get any girl to fall in love with you

Zach: Wanna bet?

Light: Yeah.

Zach: I bet I can get Holly to fall in love with me!

Light: You have 2 months.

Zach: No really. What are you talking about?

Holly: Someone has been leaving very terrible notes to me.

Zach: Well it's not me

Holly: Yes it is! Your whistle sounds exactly like it.

Zach: Everyone can whistle that could have been anyone.

Holly: Yeah right. You're just trying to cover yourself up. I'm gonna leave and tell my friends.

Zach: Wait. You can't be walk out here alone. 

Zach Thought: Why in the hell do I care?

Holly: Well I've got to get to my apartment 

Zach: At least let me walk you there.

Holly: I can walk there by myself.

Zach: Uh are you sure about that it's pretty dangerous out here.

 Holly: Fine I just want to go to my apartment.

They start walking there. 

Zach: So what's this thing you're accusing me of?

Holly: There's this person who has been leaving notes and they sign everything as the letter F and I have it all figured out now it's you. You are F.  

They walk into the elevator

Zach: You really have no idea what you're talking about.

Holly: I bet I do. and I bet you're F.

Zach: Oh look this is your apartment

Holly: About time. Oh what are you- get out of my apartment 

Zach: This is my apartment. What are you talking about?

Holly: What no it's not- *gasp* You tricked me. Hey let me back in the elevator

Zach: Oh no it's lock whatever shall we do?

Holly: What? No you can't lock me in here. Open the door!

Zach: Nah.

Holly: What is your problem? Let me out!

Zach: No you're staying with me.

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