Chapter 1 Why am I so Alone?

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It was a dark and stormy Monday, and Aria had just got home. Her long beautiful golden hair, nicely ripped blue jeans, and her favorite yellow & orange striped shirt were all dripping wet, but even with all of her soaking wet she still made every man and women do nothing but gaze in awe. Although she was almost un-naturally beautiful from head to toe, no amount of beauty could help her be happy. Aria slowly walked up the stairs, and to her room, when she closed the door, she started throwing off clothes like a race. Finally, she was in nothing but a bra and panties, then she laid down and planned to do nothing but lay on her phone. A few hours passed when she got a text from Jackson, her boyfriend, saying, "We need to talk." Aria honestly hasn't liked this boy in a long time she just thinks she won't make it alone, She read this text and got worried but she decided it was time to end it anyways, so as tears flood her eyes she responded with an "I wanted to as well" She thought to herself at least we are on The same page" as he sent another text "yeah lol,  but I was just wondering if you wanted to go to prom with me?" Reading this made her hurt more. After a little time, Aria found what She wanted to say "If I'm honest, no, I needed to tell you that I don't think I wanna be with you anymore."

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