Chapter 2 Me Time at Last!

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What? What do you mean?! texted Jackson, so Aria texted back, "I mean, I'm breaking up with you."
she sent this, and she started crying. harder than before, not because she loved him but because She hasn't felt this alone in 9 months! After a second, she heard a ding on her phone it was Jackson. Somehow, she had forgotten about him due to thinking about being alone. She looked in total shock when she saw just how hostile Jackson had become "You know I never liked your bitch ass anyways just your body, slut" said Jackson. Once Aria read this she instantly blocked Jackson and threw her phone. As she laid there she noticed that it felt like a weight was lifted, although she felt so alone and couldn't stop crying because of it "maybe it's better this way" she thought still crying A few hours passed, and though she didn't feel 100% she felt better and actually kind of good. By this time, Aria was quite hungry, so she decided to get up and put on a large hoodie big enough to cover most of her beautiful long legs. Quietly She walked down the hall and stairs. Once in the kitchen, she was sure to be as quiet as she could be to not wake up her mom or dad. She gathered a ton of snacks and went back to her room ripped off the hoodie and ate the snacks one by one till nothing was left. Even though Aria still felt terrible at least she had now eaten, but by now it was quite late so like anyone would do Aria decided she wanted to sleep, but not before she thought about how alone she was. The next morning, she woke just a few minutes later than normal, so she had to rush a bit to get ready for school. Luckily, she had made it just in time to watch the bus arrive. "Few, just barely made it," Aria had said with just a bit of sarcasm in her majestic voice. It was a painful ride filled with sad music and a fake smile. Then suddenly, there was a loud crash as the bus came to an abrupt stop. Everyone stopped In confusion and fear, whenever the door swung open and the driver asked them all to stand and slowly walk out, as Aria steps out She notices a large amount of smoke coming from the front of the bus seeing this kind of worried her but she knew it couldn't be worse than the night before. So by now, she knew that she'd be late for school, but at least now she could skip a bit of school and not be punished. sadly, though, the backup bus was faster getting there than she wanted. Finally, at school, Aria, like every day, all the boys and some girls gazed butterflies filling their stomachs. Non-surprisingly, a few people had heard the news of the night before, so
a few people thought they would finally have their chances, but like always, Aria never paid them any attention. She tried her best to ignore the pain of being alone, but today, she made an effort to talk to those around her more. Aria hadn't done this before but she noticed that it kind of helped her a lot, even though it made her a little uncomfortable at first she learned that it had helped her Later that day Aria saw this one girl "who is that?" she asked herself as for once in her life she was the one gazing as butterflies flooded her stomach. But this made her question herself deeply, deeper than ever. "There's no very right, just no way." Aria asked herself. At this point, Aria was just so confused. "I like this girl," she asked again over and over, she thought... Do I like girls? Aria had never really thought about it. "That would explain why I hadn't liked boys."

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