the return of the king

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We zoom in on team ruby all dressed in their dresses

We see ruby and Blake standing by eachother talking "so I was thinking for our next team training maybe you and me-" as Ruby was about to make a suggestion the Headmaster of Beacon professor Ozpin came up and tapped on the microphone getting every...

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We see ruby and Blake standing by eachother talking "so I was thinking for our next team training maybe you and me-" as Ruby was about to make a suggestion the Headmaster of Beacon professor Ozpin came up and tapped on the microphone getting everyone's attention "good evening ladies and gentlemen I thank you all for coming now before I make this announcement I want to thank team RWBY for planing this. Now I want everyone to welcome a group of special people for the live entertainment lead by his royal majesty of the kingdom of Insomnia please welcome the Organization 13 led by Ax-" being interrupted by his scroll going off Ozpin answers it "hello?" Ozpin answered "hey dad can you do us a favor?" Asked the person on the other end of the scroll Ozpin instantly knew who it was because he only had one child even though he's adopted. Ozpin held up a finger saying give him a moment walking away from the microphone he finally says "what's up Jaune what do you need?" On the other end was our protagonist Jaune Arc aka Axel Flamer/Lea Flamer Lucis Caelum. "Well we are about to make our entrance but we need you to keep the students calm because when we enter there will be some creatures that appear in front of the students and if they attack them then they will try to kill them in their own defense." At hearing this Ozpin got serious and said "I will try my best but I make no promises." As he said that they both said love you to each other and hung up and once Ozpin made it back to the mic he said "Sorry about that now as I was saying welcome King Lea Flamer Lucis Caelum also known as Axel. Now before they join us he asks for you'll to not attack the creatures that are about to appear." After saying this the crowd began to mumer and then the heard metal clacking and a grown

(A/N:ignore the fights just when they appeared also imagine the this all happened in front of the students)

When the mysterious creatures appeared many of the students were frightened and some were prepared to defend themselves if necessary then someusic starting while smoke and once it cleared it showed some mysterious figures wearing black hoodies while  some had instruments in front of them

(A/N ignore the pitiful heartless moment at the beginning and this is the song that's playing also all hoods are up)

After the song was finished the hooded figure that was near the front dropped their hood and show a red haired male who then said
"Hello Beacon pleasure to meet you I'm Axel Flamer got it memorized?"

Hello my loyal followers here is a new chapter I hope you enjoyed also be prepared for multiple new stories to come out and here's a question for you if I were to add some Disney princesses into the harem who would you like to see Aldo the reason I haven't posted in awhile I'm working a late night job and I also lost my uncle recently so there's that. If you'll have any questions related to my books go ahead and ask also any flames will be ignored so I hope you'll enjoyed also any world you want to see Jaune/Axel/Lea to vist?

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