II. Damn Emotions

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Lord knows how much I hate that bitch! She doesn't even deserve Diggy, she treats him like shit. Even though they've only been together for a year and a few weeks, he could've done so much better. I don't blame him for wanting to find love, but he's looking in all the wrong places.

"Aw, what's wrong Butterfingers??" I heard Russy chuckle.

I ignored him. He is not about to make my day worse than it already is.

"C'mon Jay..." He hugged me from behind, rocking me back and forth. "I was kiddin.."

I shook my head. I really don't have time for this. I love Diggy & I can't even show it. This pain is really breaking me at this point, and makes me not even wanna live anymore.

I got up & walked towards the front door.

"JAYLIN!?" Russy called after me.

I ignored him & just walked across the bushes, over to my house.

"Hey baby." My mom smiled as I walked in.

"Hey.." I sighed & walked straight up to my room, locking myself in for the rest on the night.

These past couple days have been like hell! Russy asked me to come over everyday for the past three days, and Diggy either has Iris over or they're out. I fuckin hate this. When will Diggy ever learn that he can't turn a bitch or hoe into a woman???

"C'mon Jaylin.." Russy yelled after me as I sprinted out the door, crying. "It was a joke!!"

He's been joking about the whole Butterfingers thing all day & I'm just tired of it. He has to realize that that's a very sensitive subject for me. I never meant to break the vase, it was an accident....I'm having to paying for it every single day of my existence.

Then I felt myself being pulled into a mysterious, muscular, and very protective body.

"What's wrong? Why you cryin babygirl??" A huskily raspy voice cooed in my ear. I shivered at the sound.

I love when Diggy shows his sweet side & becomes affectionate towards me.

"Nothing Daniel.." I tried loosening his grip, but he refused to let go.

"Then why you cryin?" He turned me towards him & wiped my tears.

"I didn't mean to break it!" I sighed. "It was an accident!" I cried.

"I know..." He kinda chuckled, rubbing my back.

I sniffled.

"Ya know I gotta fuck with you.."

I sighed & pushed him back, glaring at him. He chuckled aloud.

"Asshole!" I turned to walk off.

But he stopped me.

"Ya know I love ya, Butterfingers.." He smirked.

I playfully rolled my eyes & left. Smiling the whole little journey to my house. If he only used the same meaning & emotion that I use.

As I walked into my bedroom, my gold iPhone 6 chimed. I looked at it.

My bewstest fwiend 👯✊🏾💁🏽🙈 - Jay come back I wasnt serious 😔

~ Yes you were Russell 😡😡 ! You hurt my feelings , you know I didn't mean to break it ! IT WAS A FUCKIN ACCIDENT !!! 😒✌🏾️ Goodbye Wendell , I might talk to you tomorrow... 😴💤

My bewstest fwiend 👯✊🏾💁🏽🙈 - Jaylin I'm sorry

~ Goodbye Russell ✌🏾️✌🏾

I sighed & tossed my phone on my nightstand.

"Hopefully tomorrow's a better day.." I said to myself & prepared to take a shower.

My phone chimed again.

"What now!!" I whined to myself, walking over to my nightstand.

It was Diggy.

I smiled.

AY PAPI 😍😩💦🙌🏾 - You iight lil mama???

I giggled. He's checking up on me.

~ You checking up on me.....dad ?? 👀😂

AY PAPI 😍😩💦🙌🏾 - Loll ya wish I was ya daddy baby. But forreal you iight??

~ 🙈🙈 lol yes Daniel , I'm fine...

AY PAPI 😍😩💦🙌🏾 - Iight then 😏😏

I started giggling like a crazy person. Diggy just doesn't know what he does to me.

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