III. Telling Her The Truth (Russy)

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I really screwed up now. She said that she might talk to me tomorrow... MIGHT!! I didn't mean to hurt her, I thought I was being funny. She doesn't get mad when Diggy calls her Butterfingers, so I don't see why she doesn't like it all of a sudden.

Truth is....I'm in love with Jaylin and I have been since we were little. I never told her because I didn't want it to become weird between us. We've done everything together....so it wouldn't be strange for me to fall in love with her, right??

Then I heard the front door closing & Diggy walked into the family room where I was sitting.

"Whatchu do to Jay?" He chuckled.

I guess he saw the shame in my eyes....pain, regret..

I was silent.


"I was jokin round bout to whole Butterfingers thing." I sighed. "And I guess she just...." I shrugged & sighed. "Ion know.."

He chuckled again.

"Ya can't be like me bruh. You ain't got it like I do.."

I rolled my eyes & got up.

"Don't be mad, Russ.." He smirked, got up & walked upstairs.

I really needa talk to Jaylin.....to apologize & make everything cool between us. I can't have her mad at me. That's the last thing I need.

"C'mon babygirl, answer yo phone..." I sighed as the phone went straight to voicemail. "I'm real sorry Jay...I ain't know it meant that much..." I hung up.

Not when a minute after I hung up, my phone buzzed. And I was Jaylin.

I smiled.

My Love 😜👫👑❤️ - Yeah , you're reeeaaaaaallllllllll sorry... 😒😡✌🏾️

I sighed.

She's never gonna forgive me, isn't she???

I have to tell Jaylin that I'm in love with her. I can't hold this secret in for much longer. If I keep holding it in like this, I might end up kissing Jay on the spot....no warning, nothing. And I can't wait! I need to tell her now!!!

I slid on my Jordan slippers & ran over to Jaylin's crib. Knocking non-stop until someone opened the door.

"Russell, my goodness!" Jaylin's mom, Lynda said as she opened the door.

"Sorry, can I come in?" I asked, out of breath.

She stepped aside, letting me in.

"She's in her room."

I nodded & jogged up the stairs. I didn't even knock once I got to Jay's room, I just open the door & walked in.

"Babygirl, we needa talk.."

She gasped.

"WHAT THE HELL!??" She pulled the covers over her half naked body. She wore a black Victoria's Secret bra & some black boy shorts to match.

Once she realized it was me, she dropped the sheets from the top half of her body. She was never insecure about her body, she flaunted it everywhere she went. And Dig wonders why Iris be starving herself. Haha

I just looked her up & down, biting my lips.

"What do you want, Wendell!?" She folded her arms across her chest.

I walked over to her, hovering over her. She moved back.

I smirked.

"Russy, what d'ya want???" She whined.

I licked my lips & kisses her. She pulled away.

"I'm sorry Russy, but I don't feel that way for you.." She said sincerely, yet breaking my heart at the same time.

I sit on the edge on her bed and sighed.

"I'm so sor--"

"Nahh, it's fine." I cut her off. "Ion know what I was thinkin....someone like you actually being interested in me."

"If I wasn't, I wouldn't have become your bestfriend." She smiled softly. "I love you as a person. Your personality is what I love most about you." She pulled me into a hug, laying my head on her chest. "I love you like you were my own flesh and blood. I'm so sorry Russy, but I'm in love with someone else..."

I nodded.

"Iight.." I sighed. "Just know that I'll never stop loving you."

She smiled.

"You're the bestest friend a girl could ever have."

"Yeah....love you too."

I kissed her head & left.

Atleast she knows how I feel. I don't have to keep my love a secret anymore..

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