It all started...

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It all started on a regular day...

I woke up to my mother screaming " Get your worthless, good for nothing butt up here!" down the stairs of the cellar-sorry my 'bedroom'. I woke up immediately, who could blame me? I'd learnt the hard way the if I didn't come up within twenty seconds my mother would send one of my slave driv-sorry 'brothers' to 'Persuade' me to come up stairs. By that I mean they would beat me to a pulp and drag me up the stairs.

They would all eat their breakfast and scrape their leftovers onto a plate on the floor. You're probably thinking we have a dog right? Wrong. The scraps are for me. I don't even get to sit at the table, I have to eat on the floor, on my hands and knees, with my fingers.

After breakfast I ran out of the house as fast as I could. If I stayed, I knew I would get more beatings. I went to the usual place, The Edge.

The Edge is as it's name; the edge of the world we know. I come here when I want to think, while I stare out into the Abyss. Sometimes my bird friends come and tell me news from the other clouds.

Yes, I can talk to animals, in fact any language. Whether it is Alatum or any animal, I can speak it.

I have many talents that I've tried to hide over the years. I think I sing pretty well and I can play any instrument I pick up. I can persuade people to do things. I lift things up using my mind. I can see what people's emotions are. I can see what people's past was like by touching them. And I have enhanced senses.

I've tried to hide these talents, afraid that people will hate me more for it. But every person who's found out, thinks I'm a freak.

Anyways, I went to the edge and was doing my regular moping routine. When my friends came up behind me. I quickly hid my lyre and shooed the birds away.

"Hey Apollonius!" That was Gratia.

"Hey guys" I solemnly answer.

"Soooooooo, whatdya wanna talk 'bout today Ap?" Micat asked

I straightened a little bit "The legend again, please!"

"Again man? Are you serious?" Amicus complained.

We argued for a bit but finally settled down and they took turns acting the story out and reciting it. I loved watching them fly around(forgot they had wings didn't you?)and move their wings to the beat of no existing music. I wish I could do that...

They left soon after. Leaving me all alone. In the peace a quiet...and then came the blood curling scream...

huh...sorry guess this is a little short. I'm gonna start writing this again. sorry it took me forever to update it.

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