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The story of Lirasean began with Eudora and Enzi, the two were gods who lived before time itself. Both were siblings, Eudora was the goddess of Lirasean, and Enzi was the god of Lirasean. They both decided that the land was too boring, so they made a new species, a species they called humans, they made these "humans" by taking a lizard that lost its tail and clay to morph the person.
Eudora had made a female human that cared for the animals. But she didn't like that the female couldn't communicate with the hurt animals so she gave the lady the power to speak, once the female communicated with the animal she had to find a way to help so Eudora gave her another power. Eventually, the lady called them gifts from the great goddess Eudora and thanked her relentlessly by praying to her. Eudora didn't like this so she decided her next female human would not give her gifts.
Enzi started his creation, a male human. He shaped the man for days on end and eventually started accidentally feeding anger, hatred, strength, and power into the man. He soon realized his mistake and calmed down making the rest.
These two humans eventually became the royals of all the lands until the land was broken. The great-grandchildren of the original rulers of Lirasean split and made their own kingdoms and some even stopped believing this story.
Hey, thank you for reading the first part of my story. I've had this idea for a year or so and started writing it with my little sister, but she quit very quickly. Also I should mention that I made all this on a document, I'm just transferring it over.
                                     Thank you,

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