Chapter I

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Fine. You may become general, but if something happens to your siblings you must swear to take the throne," King Elric addressed the prince.
"I swear!" the prince promised.
"You are dismissed," the king sighed.
His son wanted to become a knight instead of becoming a king. The boy had said that he was not fit for the duties of a king. He, the prince, was only seventeen years. He was named elegantly. Aldus had just returned from a trip, on which he found that a king required more work than he had known.
Aldus had a twin sister who was named twice as elegantly. Cateline. She was the next in line for the throne, but to claim the throne the king enforced that she was to marry a man who offered to take Cateline's hand.
She despised this.
Aldus had a younger brother as well, who was named three times as elegantly. Achard was a mere two years. Their mother, the queen, had died only a few moons ago. The king had not remarried, keeping the vow he made to her, oh so many years ago.
The king, deep in thought, had not noticed his daughter. Who stood with her arms crossed. "Father," She said, getting impatient.
We now skip to Aldus, who is busy cleaning his sword in the stables, deep also in thought. The sword that had been passed down through his generation had a bejeweled hilt and the material of the blade was a strong metal. 
Aldus' focus was cut when yelling from the throne room pierced his ears. He sighed, and put his sword in his sheath.
He walked out of the barn and headed to the castle.
He knew what happened.

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